"Four Travellers and the Genie" Myth in Grimoire | World Anvil
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"Four Travellers and the Genie"

Four travellers made their way through the Singing Desert to Deldio Pasca for prayer. At an oasis, they unearthed a ring that when it was cleaned in the water, it revealed a fiery djnn in the form of a large, beautiful woman. She blanketed the night sky so only She could be seen. "You have freed me," She proclaimed. "For that, I shall grant three wishes." The first traveller pushed ahead of the others. "I want to be recognized as a hero!" She nodded. "Granted. Go to the village in the west. A gargoyle is attacking them. Kill it with this sword and you will be a hero." The first traveller went to the village and slayed the gargoyle. When its body crumbled, it revealed jewels inside. The first traveller took the jewels to the village and shared it with all the people, who praised and loved him. However, as soon as he spoke of his feat, the jewels turned to dust. Angered, the villagers took the traveller and killed him.   The second traveller asked the genie, "I want to be saved! My eternal soul to know peace!" "Granted," said the genie, "Go north and you will find a cave for the dead. Lay this flute at their feet and they will tell you their secrets." The second traveller found the cave and did as he was told. The dead came alive and began to each play the flute, each one more enthralling than the last. The second traveller, who now felt at peace, made his way out, but the dead pulled him back in. They played more and more merrily, trapping the man in the cave. When he screamed, the cavern echoed it to nothing.   The third traveller came next, taking the final wish for himself. "I want to know everything there is to know! To learn even the secrets of the world." "It is granted." Said the genie. "Go to the jungle in the east. You will find a deep swamp. Sit by it and burn these herbs, and you will learn the knowledge of the world." The third traveller headed east and did as he was told. As the herbs burned by the swamp, a large jabberwock arose. The man did not even need to ask a thing as the jabberwock explained everything in mere minutes even though it felt like years. As the man headed out, he found a travelling caravan transporting wood and food. When the man tried to tell the leader of the caravan what he knew, his tongue grew limp and his hands shook. The leader whipped and beat the man before shackling him, making him a slave and selling him for four silver.   With the final traveller, the genie had no more wishes. She grinned with desire as her eyes burned down onto the man. She spoke, "I have no more wishes to give you, traveller. However, if you were to give me your soul, I will grant you one wish." "Hear me, demon!" The final traveller said, "I give you my soul, but only if you give me this wish. I want you to feel the same pain you put those men through and have it be one thousand fold! Do this and my soul is yours!"   "Granted," said the genie. "Go south to the city and take my ring. Give it to the princess and you will marry her. When she dies, my pain will be more than one thousand times greater than any pain or sorrow." The final traveller did as he was told, marrying the princess. He shared his love and happiness with her. One day, the prince became sick and died. The princess mourned for her lost love and took poison root to end her life, revealing she was the genie. Afterwards, she laid dormant in the ring, forever suffering alone.


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