Grey skies Tuna
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Story 1: 10 August

The first story ever written... we probably didn't know how much we would end up writing.

On a rainy day, Sky Gray ventures out on a quest to retrieve the fabled Tuna of Can to feed the starving masses at home. Battling the harsh winds and mayhem of nature, they make it to the land of the SUPER MAR-KET. They scour the place searching high and low. Through dark shelve-ways and attractive displays, they arrive at the (a)isle of can. Lost and battered they locate a native inhabitant of the region and, through much difficulty translating from introvert, locate the Tuna of Can. Their quest complete, they purchase passage out of the land of the SUPER MAR-KET and set forth for home. While traveling along the common roads, they observe foreign persons transporting many a Tuna of Can to neighbouring lands. They think perhaps they should attempt such a partnership at some future point.

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