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In a world forsaken by the gods, everyone is a little on edge. With a mana disaster on a scale greater than imagination, the astral planes began to merge. The inhabitants of the world Gretken lost their gamble with fate, as their world partially merged with the shadow fell, a place similar to the world before, but with evil lurking around every corner, and in every heart. The rampant corruption of the world left them disconnected with the gods, as clerics and paladins who followed those aside from the most powerful lost their miracles, and spell casters became a rarity among mortals. These days there are few surviving regions untouched by the darkness, like lone torches illuminating the empty void. The continent of C1, is one of the lucky few who managed to remain in the landscape of chaos. This is due to a powerful magic construct placed on a plateau of the tallest mountain, gathering and radiating the light of the sun, holding the shadows at bay. However, this solution was not a permanent one, as at night, the light of the tower fades, and the darkness creeps in, bringing with it the horrors of the outer worlds.   In this world of fluctuating night, there are 3 factions. “The Wardens”, those who align with the light, and seek to hold back the encroaching darkness where the light barely reaches. “ The “Cherchires”, those who make deals with the horrors in the dark for great power, or great wealth. And finally the “Seekers”, those who seek for the mysteries of this world, be that following legends of a way to restore the light to the world, those who seek the treasures hidden within the darkness, or whatever their hearts could desire.

Gretken has 1 Followers


Gretken Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e