Kaya Ofarr Character in Grendor | World Anvil
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Kaya Ofarr

"To live we must be like the water; it sustains us, brings new life and flows where it must to survive." - Sebek Ofarr


Kaya Ofarr took over as Prime Counsellor from her father, Sebek Ofarr, after he died in a raid. (see Panea for more information). Since her father's death, Kaya has ruled over Panea. Every two years there is a new election. She has won the past six elections, starting her role at the age of 52. Her protector, Asam Whiyarr, has been by her side the entire time.    


Eyes: Dark purple
Face: Squared, defined jawline
Hair: Black, with half long and tied in a ponytail, and the underside of her hair shaved
Height: 5'7" slim, defined muscles
Other: Has slightly pointed ears, like most Half-Elves


Kaya is strong-willed and confident in her ability to guide the people of Panea. She has yet to make a mistake, but some would say she's shying away from the big fight. She would say she's simply biding her time. She has a great aptitude for military strategy but that over confidence can rub people up the wrong way.   Kaya is in a relationship with her designated protector, Asam Whiyarr. This means they spend a lot of time together, but it also means that they clash a lot of their job roles. Asam does her best to protect Kaya, and Kaya wants to protect her people which often means putting herself in danger. Through all of the arguing and skirmishes, their bond is strong. However, with King Beiric's forces attacking more frequently, they're finding less time for one another.
Year Of Birth
3588, 64 years old  
Sebek Ofarr [deceased] - partner
Asam Whiyarr - partner

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