Brande Town Settlement in Grant | World Anvil
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Brande Town

A small sttle under the Rhineway Kingdom on the southern half of the continent. Brande Town is far-removed from the affairs of the kingdoms.


This is the hometown of the protagonist, Herbert and his uncle, Richard.


Settlements under the Rhineway Kingdom are ruled by governors, who report to the king. The governors collect taxes and organize local military forces.


Brande Town is fortified by smaller wooden walls and gate. The presiding governor has organized a small militia.

Industry & Trade

Brande specializes in fishing and agriculture, although their operations are quite humble in scope.


Situated on a river, Brande utilizes water wheels for a variety of practical purposes, such as wheat grinding and forging. A small


Brande Town is situated next to river. Overall the surrounding terrain is a gentle plain. Even further are temperate forests.

Natural Resources

Brande Town has access to fresh water and fertile land.
Owning Organization

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