Rafia Geographic Location in Grand Catane | World Anvil
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Rafia, officially the Kingdom of Rafia (Rafian: Koningrijk Rafia) is a nation in northeastern Grand Catane, bordered to the south by the Altan Confederation, to the west by the Principality of Westport, and to the southwest by the United Kingdom of Lagrave and the Kingdom of Pargentie. It's territory is limited to the northeast by the Great Eastern Ocean, to the southeast by the Eastern Meridian Sea and to the north by the Icen Sea.   It is known for a history of human habitation, since it is the most likely place of the first human landings in the 38th century B.P.H., it being generally considered a late successor state to the great Nordic Dominion. It's population is diverse, mostly composed of humans (most being of the nordic ethnicity) and with substantial numbers of free elfic population as well, while most of the orcish population, though numerous, remains enslaved (thus affecting the exactitude of the population counts for that race).   Rafia is a kingdom under a parliamentary-aided monarchy, in that the king, although still being the most powerful influence in national politics, does not hold theoretical absolute power as is the case in some other kingdoms, instead being restricted or necessarily advised in some actions by the Courts-General, an advisory and legislative body composed of members of the Rafian high nobility. It's state religion is officially Reformist Catanianism and it's patron saint is St. Basil of Rafia, same as the Holy Order of the Brazen Cross, of which the Kings of Rafia have been honourary grandmasters since 1178.  


Royal flag of Rafia, for use on land.
Arms of the Kings of Rafia.


  Capital: Albillan   Common languages: Rafian, Highland Rafian, Hornierspraak, Lowland Rafian, Tussen-Rivierener, Altan   Religion: Reformist Catanianism (Rafian rite)   Demonym: Rafian   Government: Monarchy with presence of a noble legislative body (Courts-General)   Currency: Rafian Shields

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