Gran albionne The Fall of the Hybernian Imperium
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The Fall of the Hybernian Imperium

Era beginning/end

Year One of the Current Age

"...The power of the Witch-Kings seemed unassailable. So unmatched was their power. The might of their armies unequalled. Peerless among hosts. Where their forces passed, even the spirits looked upon their works and despaired..."

Across the seas the black ships of Hibernia brought terror and woe to all of Gran Albionne. The oars of their war-galleys thrashed the waves of endless shores, bringing ruin in their wake.
Kingdoms of old were ground to dust beneath the heels and hooves of their Myrmidons and Sorcerer-Knights. Their resplendent forces wielding power beyond the kenning of the lesser kingdoms. They strode like titans, their thaumaturgic might glorious and terrible to behold.
The flying galleons of the Imperium darkened the skies of thousand lands, raining fire and lightning and terror troops of undead for whom fear or mercy were simply impossible.
From barren and empty lands that had forged the fiercest and harshest people they came. Sweeping over the good and fertile and green and pleasant lands like wildfire, crushing and ruining peoples and wiping whole civilizations that would not be tamed from creation.
The Hybernian Imperium was the blackest plague upon the ancient world and perhaps of all time until the end of days. Never had a people known such utter and complete disdain for life and light and mercy and good. To call their people morally bereft tragically understated the fullness and depth of their wickedness and arrogant depravity. They razed and plundered without reserve or pause, their treasure ships heavy with the sum of all the riches of the ancient world, endlessly plied the waves back to their homeland to the golden, gilded ziggurats and gold pits of their treasure cities. Citadels of unfathomable wealth reached skyward to impossible towering heights, clawing at the heavens in their blasphemous audacity.
When in their tyranny they came to conceive of the black sacrilege of slavery, their world could take no more. A doom came to them in their decadence. Where their mighty kingdom arose there now lie only vast and wilds that echo with the songs of calling birds and run with hare and deer. Only beasts and creatures who have never known the hand of man inhabit the pristine forests and fields where once their towers loomed tall and black and unassailable and adamantine in their fastness.
Men say the stars fell upon them in the night for their transgressions. That the firmament emptied its limitless host upon the Hybernians.
A doom was visited upon them.

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