Aschenmund Geographic Location in Grahkon | World Anvil
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The plane of Despair

[I ran straight at the fiend which was staring right at me with its hollow eyes. I almost felt pity with it, seeing this malnourished humanoid as it stumbeld out of the flickering portal Count Groul had created. When my sword rushed down, the demon dodged my blow with an agility I couldn't possibly have expected from it. As my sword rushed through the air, I lost balance and fell right through the portal. After that I felt the light rain and smelled the rot and decay inherent in this plane. I also noticed that color was pretty much nonexistent, as there were only black, grey and a hint of brown on the dead and wet grass which I could barely see through the mist surrouding me, the only thing alive was a swarm of flies, eating the damp corpse of a starved dog. Behind me was one single leafless tree, the fog cmpletely obscuring anything else that wasn’t within 20 meters of me. That was when I heard it. A man, or perhaps a boy weeping. I tried to make out the direction it was coming from, but did so in vain. My clothes were already soaked from the moist air, which seemed to be neither hot nor cold. Reluctant to go on, as I would probably never be able to find my way back here, I decided to march forward, because going back was not an option, seeing the portal was closed for good.]


Aschemund hat keine besonderen Topographischen merkmale, die gesamte Sphäre ist flach.

Fauna & Flora

Fliegen, Koyoten, vereinzelte abgestorbene Bäume und Büschel von Totem Gras sind die einzigen anzeichen von Leben. Die unglücklichen, die sich in diese Welt verirren, Leben dort, bis ihre Vorräte ausgehen und werden dann Teil des Lebenszyklus der einheimischen Fauna.

Natürliche Ressourcen

Das Land ist bar jeder Ressource.
Dimensional plane

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