Gozama The Crusaders siege of MaDoRa
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The Crusaders siege of MaDoRa

Military action


In the year 479 the capital was besieged by SanLor'en Crusaders

During the Crusades of DaNeNo. The crusading armies who after dispatching DasNeNo's meager military, under the head of the current emissary of SanLor who is analogous to a Pope or high priest. Set upon besieging the city in the year 479 in attempt to crush one of the last major bastion of resistance on the subcontinent as well as capturing the current ruler of DasNeNo.   The siege was broken by the MaDoRa'en artisans with assistance from the remaining DasNeNo forces. Via the use of firebombs, poison bombs and the deliberate spreading of Crimson burst in the besiegers camp.   Shortly after the siege was broken the emissary of SanLor was challenged to theological debate by one repentant Crusader Jalag. The emissary ended up handing off his title to Jalag Who subsequently called off the crusade.

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