the mantara isles Geographic Location in gora | World Anvil
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the mantara isles

These isles are the homeland of the Bavugai. the Mantara isles are a very interesting place because, during low tide for two hours, you can walk between them. Its very difficult to make it from one isle to another in two hours. So there are bouts that will dock between the isles and act as inns. To become a priest of the great hunt you have to perform a pilgrimage visiting all of the isles. This pilgrimage is known as the holy pursuit, named after the legend.

Recent past

A lot has happened to the Mantara isles in recent memory. During the great immigration of humanity many human ships landed on the coasts of the Mantara isles. The Bavugai didn't react kindly to the encouragement. There were a few short skirmishes before the humans backed off and sailed to jshang were most of the humans had landed their ships. During this period the Bavugai warned the Kley that humans are dangerous, but a deal was still struck between the Kley and humans.


because of the climate, the mantara isles are entirely forested. One of the most well-known things about the mantara isles is that the animals there are massive. although jshang is the land of beasts the mantara isles contest it for that title. The reason it is not called the Land of beasts is because of the rampant hunting, some of the megafauna have invaded jshang while going extinct in the mantara isles.


The climate of the Mantara isles is temperate with large pine forests covering all of the isles. Which make it strange that there was so much megafauna there, as megafauna usually live in warm tropical places. And the shallow sea that surrounds the mantara isles further mellows the temperature even further.

History of the Mantara isles

There aren’t many well kept records of Mantara isles history, but there are some particularly from the Kley. It is known from the Kley that originally the capital of the isles was three temporary Kley settlements so when the Kley left, they came back to find their camps overrun with Bavugai. From Kley records it is inferred that when the Kley arrived on the Mantara isles all the megafuna where alive though there are no records from before that time so its not known how many spices extinction was ceased by the bavugai before this.

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