essence Physical / Metaphysical Law in gora | World Anvil
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essence introduction

  Essence is the source of all magic on Gora. A malleable material, the essence is the materialisation of a soul. It is a type of energy containing a consciousness. It can be weaved into intoxicating brews or powerful weapons it can be very strong for those who are willing to go without their humanity


This consciousness can invade an object, for example, dirt or ice and even things like swords. When the object has been invaded they are named wraiths. Wraiths are more powerful when their essence comes from something sentient. Wraiths are mortal because they use the essence as energy, which, means that they will fizzle out and die.


Essence can be used to cast spells such as setting things ablaze or disarming your opponent. However, this comes at a terrible cost as every spell you cast robs you of a part of your humanity until you turn into a mindless husk. becuse You can only use the essence belonging to you to cast spells.

essence liquor

Essence can also be strained to make a volatile liquid material called essence liquor. Essence liquor has many uses such as when combining essence liquor from two different animals which creates interesting results. Essence liquor can be drunk to grow into a form more resembling the creature that the essence liquor came from. Some creatures have an excess of essence like Gorakin or Pterosaurs and the excess can make these creatures more powerful. Having an excess of essence allows them to cast spells without suffering any ill effects. Essence can act strangely when it comes to gods things will happen according to their motivation, how this happens, no one but the father himself knows.

Essence infused objects

Essence can be infused with objects to make the objects stronger and tougher, but most of the time when you try it creates a wraith. Natural essence infused objects are very valuable materials such as Blacksteel and Clargan hides.

Essence abilitys

some creatures use essence in special ways like Gorakins ability to chanal the essence around them to use their ability for example or the jnuka which can consume essence to use in place of their own essence.

Essence connections

essence connections are a kind of link between two minds. It forges from close bonds between blood relatives, preferably between twins or siblings. Demigods can connect with complete strangers.  

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the father in a nutshell blacksteel calrgan Gora wraith essence liquor
Essence is quite expensive but a working-class citizen will often have unstrained essence in their homes. They get this from the practice of keeping the soals of the dead a common burial method used by Gorakin and humans. Its a taboo to sell the essence of the dead but some families need the money to stay off the streets. some will zealously defend the soals of their ancestors this trate is more common in powerful fammlys.
Metaphysical, Arcane
essence liquor is much more commonly used by wealthy people and monster hunters as to obtain it you need to kill an animal or hire someone to do it for you. but generally, a traveler will carry a bottle of essence liquor. in the caravans that travel the land with peasants will normally have pockets on the bake of the of the vehicle containing bottles of essence liquor. used for defense against monsters.

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Jul 24, 2023 18:45

Feel free to comment your opinions, I am sure I have much to improve on. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the world of gora.