The Sun's Love Myth in Goldi-24 | World Anvil
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The Sun's Love

The story of why The Sun's Love is a holiday across Venero.


Humans and Detorans have different views on a lot of things. The Sun's Love or Daniel's Comet is one if them. It is based on a comet that passes by the sun for three days and leaves the orbit repeating every 100 years.

Historical Basis

Earliest access to the story before Sanctuary was accessed to the common stories were told by shaman. Firn is often depicted smiling in an embrace with Sol or separate with a bow and arrow shooting a message in the shape of a meteor.


Worldwide known,it is mostly told in elementary school as a simple book evolving to complex in high school. Human oriented schools along with Detoran that go there have it in literature though it is portrayed more like a myth. (This is why it is posted in this article,from a human pov)

Variations & Mutation

The very first tribes (Hibernis) created by Solspiritus as well as Firn witnessed the blooming love. The first shaman told the love tale.

Cultural Reception

The lover (Firn) was told in story to be a shaman. Why? Many think it was the very first shaman,before other Detoran were created or first tribe (Hibernis).

In Literature

A couple of movie rendtions and idioms exist. An old tale kind of following the formula of the loving couple.

In Art

Some paintings and documented books are being recovered in Vaults by human and Detoran archeologist.
Related Species

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Cover image: by Tally


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