Shadow Shinzo Character in Gm's Hyrule | World Anvil
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Shadow Shinzo

Shinzo (a.k.a. Shadow)

Shadow is Shinzo's doppleganger. He was created by Shinzo to give himself more power. Because Shinzo made him of his own shadow, he has the ability to speak and his own autonomy. He is Bloodlust incarnate, and his only motivation is spilling more blood.    His quest hook will teach blood tribute.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shadow was created after Shinzo confirmed that a spirit could be bound to a weapon for a similar effect to the Master Sword.    Shadow recalls almost all that Shinzo has done, as he has been by Shinzo's side the entire time, committing all his atrocities with him. Shadow represents the emotions that Shinzo does not acknowledge.


Shadow Shinzo did not care for the research that Shinzo did, so he doesn't know as much as Shinzo. However, he does, in theories, understand the basis for most of what Shinzo created.


He is Shinzo's preferred weapon.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Slaying the Queen

Failures & Embarrassments

Losing to Shinzo

Mental Trauma

Shadow is the emotions that Shinzo does not acknowledge, the emotions that he feels due to his traumas and personal conditions/misgivings. As such, Shadow loves death, and blood, and torment. He is both Sadistic and Masochistic.

Morality & Philosophy

He has none. Or rather, he doesn't care.


He is a taboo.

Personality Characteristics


Bloodshed and torment is all he seeks. He would gladly join Shinzo's side, but truthfully, he views Shinzo as a god of judgement, and he would just as happily slay him. After all, gods are the only thing he has never killed before, and so he longs to do so. He worries that Shinzo will not permit him to slay the gods, and so this is where he convinces himself to join the party.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Although manipulative, he does not understand humanity or its social norms (or perhaps, he chooses to ignore them). He has only apathy.

Likes & Dislikes

Blood, death, torment, destruction, fighting, pain, and gore.

Virtues & Personality perks

If he decides that you are someone that will help his goals, he is an intensely powerful ally who will help and aid you, even to the extent of self harm and great sacrifice.

Vices & Personality flaws

The moment a living thing is deemed insignificant to him, he will torture and kill it.


Contacts & Relations

He is Shinzo's personal weapon A friend of Volga A rival of Dana

Religious Views

The gods are just a goal post for him. Slaying them would fulfill his greatest wishes.

Social Aptitude

He is clever and manipulative, but he has no concern for formalities.


Shadow is unpredictable and chaotic. He has a smile plastered to his face, and the worse the situation seems, the bigger it gets.


1. When Shinzo first summoned me I was after one thing: his life. I wanted him dead, but he beat me with little difficulty and bound me to his staff, giving me a pearl with the phrase "into Hyrule Castle’s depths". I initially refused to work with him, but he offered to give me anything I wanted. You know what I asked of him? I asked him to let me bathe in blood, to watch my opponents writhe, to rend the light out of this world. He agreed, and together we massacred the rebels of Hyrule.   If Shinzo and I had been more than one person, maybe we could have brought the war to an end ourselves. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case. Hyrule needed more soldiers, but they were either dying or defecting on the daily. Shinzo was tasked by the idiot queen to find a solution, to get more soldiers no matter how. But there really was almost no one left to pull into the war from Hyrule, and the Zonai refused to join as a group; only individuals from the tribe seeking a challenge would go and only as obscenely expensive mercenaries. Because he could not rely on numbers, Shinzo decided then to instead focus on quality over quantity, thus began the experiments. He already knew how magic could manipulate the body thanks to his training with the Zonai, but now we could delve into... the darker arts. Dead and dying soldiers were the start of the experiments, then monsters, then rebel betrayers, then voluntary Sheikah, then whatever Shinzo could get his hands on, and then finally himself. You saw the crypt he left behind after the conclusion of those experiments--that is to say, they were failures who quickly fell apart into decay, especially when exposed to the light.   2. The experiments only came to a halt when rumors of them began to circulate around the King. Although the Queen was aware of them, the King was not, and he was appalled to hear his loyal servant was doing such things. The Queen was aware of all the things Shinzo had done in secret, of manipulating the Zola and Zora despite the order for annihilation and of sneaking Volga in among the Sheikah despite the order for assassination, but she had kept them secret. But here, she decided to betray Shinzo. She did not want the King to know that Shinzo's experiments were at her approval, and so she lied to the King, telling him she had been receiving prophecies that Shinzo would betray Hyrule. In response, we, Shinzo and I, were assigned a guard dog, Asteria, an esteemed knight of Hyrule, to assess Shinzo's intentions.   3. I wanted to kill Asteria the first chance I had, but Shinzo restrained me saying we could use her. He played her into his hand, or maybe there was actual love between them, I don't really know, nor do I care. The point was that he got her to be his dog instead of the Royal fool's. It was only because we got her to be obedient that Shinzo was able to save the Zonai who trained him in the first place. Shinzo had been ordered to force the Hebra Zonai, you know, the pacifists, to fight in the war for Hyrule. A fool's errand. Instead he built a tower and sent them into the sky, and Asteria didn't report a thing. Of course, the Queen did eventually find out what happened, and that's when the King decided Shinzo really would betray them. A plot was put in place to have a mix of Sheikah elite and Royal Guards kill us in the Canyon between Hebra and Hyrule. They were no match for us. It was they who bled on the canyon floor.   4. We fled to Gerudo, and Shinzo bided his time, building machines and the like, building power. In a matter of days, we took over the Zonai tribes by engaging in duels with their leaders and winning the right to rule them. With the machines, Zonai, and all of our dark magics, we took over Hyrule in a week. It was as Shinzo was exiling the Royal family that we learned the Queen had, only a short while ago, demanded the Zonai leaders - who were now dead - to do something about the tribe that abandoned them. In response to the Queen's request, the Zonai leaders had sent Culdwen to force the Wind Tribe back to Hyrule. As you likely know, this resulted in the Wind Tribe's death. Shinzo decided there to execute that Queen. Ah, no blood is sweeter than the blood tainted by the goddess.   5. In the end, the princess who we kept in the castle foresaw the coming of the calamity. Shinzo worked to create a fast solution, that is, create the guardians and divine beasts by taking Hyrule's light and condensing it into a usable form, but in the process, he angered the gods. Seeing that he was about to be exiled, he placed me in the crypt and abandoned me, despite my attempts to tell him that he can fight the spirits set after us and kill them. Instead, he willingly let the gods exile him to another realm. I would have loved to bathe this world in the blood of the gods... So there I sat, in the darkness, surrounded by feeble, walking corpses. Ah, but you came for me, and now, once again, I can deliver judgement upon this world.
Current Status
Sulking in the crypt
Circumstances of Birth
Created after Nalu
Shinzo's Crypt
Current Residence
Shinzo's Crypt
long, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Ah, how sweet the blood of the blessed is
Known Languages
All ancient languages

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