Raymond Character in Gm's Hyrule | World Anvil
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Raymond is a Sheikah warrior, and is the husband of Impa . He has two children, Celest and Cado. He and Cado are posted to the Gerudo Desert to try and handle the rising Yiga threat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raymond is a powerful warrior who has fought in the Gerudo Desert against the Yiga for much of his life. His wife and childhood friend, Impa, is the only person he can be fully honest to. Everyone else sees him as a force of powerful positivity.   He has his son under his close eye, as his son seems to have some very potent issues.


Raymond was trained as a Sheikah assassin, but later he delved into Hylian style fighting, so now he practices as potent hybrid combat style.


Raymond is a sort of general for the troops in the Gerudo Desert

Accomplishments & Achievements

Raymond is acclaimed as a Yiga hunter. He has conducted many successful counters to Yiga activity.

Failures & Embarrassments

Raymond's son is his biggest embarrassment. His son has grown to be a monster who loves to kill and torture. Raymond is trying to work him out of it, but it is difficult when his profession is as an assassin.

Mental Trauma

Raymond has been personally toyed with by Rotana. He is aware that her dark magic will allow her to do unspeakable things.   Raymond has had to kill many of his own clan members because of Rotana's brainwashing.

Intellectual Characteristics

Raymond is moderately intelligent, but his intellect is focused more on his combat and leadership than anything else.

Morality & Philosophy

Raymond believes in protecting Hyrule by destroying those who threaten it.

Personality Characteristics


Raymond is trying to protect Hyrule at all costs by fighting in the desert. However, he would like to wrap up the issues there so he can return to Kakariko and be with his kids.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Raymond can be too casual, and he often isn't honest with people. However, he is a great leader and strong warrior.

Likes & Dislikes

Raymond loves his family, dislikes senseless killing, and hates confusing or over-complicated things.

Virtues & Personality perks

Raymond is the embodiment of the warrior spirit.

Vices & Personality flaws

Raymond will kill without batting an eye so long as he sees it as just.


Family Ties

Impa is his wife   Celest is his daughter   Cado is his son

Religious Views

Hylia is who he is sworn to protect.

Social Aptitude

Raymond is an excellent leader


Raymond is often too positive while also too straightforward.
Current Status
Fighting in the Gerudo Desert
Current Residence
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Catch you later   Stay vigilant   Someone has sand in their pants.
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