The Pantheon in Glass and Bone | World Anvil
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The Pantheon

The Versal Lords and Ladies, THEM

  There are many entities across the All-Tree who make it a point of pride to call themselves lords and ladies. But there is only one group of Lords and Ladies.   The Pantheon. The gods and goddesses who retain their divinity across every branch of Verse, the Eternal Song itself flowing through their being (they are not its singers, no matter what any legends about them throughout the Branches allege). There are seven of them in total: three Lords, two Ladies, and two named Lords for convenience’s sake. Their domains are of Verse but not within it, and they and their courts may move freely among the entire All-Tree.   The Versal Lords and Ladies, contrary to common behaviours of common gods, prefer to play out their dramas among themselves. Mortals are never asked to do favours for any of them in the hopes of impressing or hindering another of their number, and the changing web of their relationships must be inferred from their behaviour in the various stories about them. They feel a sense of duty to the inhabitants of Verse as their omniversal gods. They may even be beseeched: if summoning is a formal invitation, request or command, beseeching is a cry for help - an act or circumstance which resonates with the nature of a spirit and draws its attention.   And yet they are rarely called upon. Great care is taken to keep their names secret, their summoning as infrequent as possible, and their beseeching close to non-existent. The reason for this is their credo, which may be summed up thus: thoughtful cruelties are better than careless kindnesses. They are guaranteed to help you, but you are guaranteed to regret they ever did.

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