Myria in Glass and Bone | World Anvil
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Myria is at a crossroads in its history: between magic, which offers gentler and more sustainable ways of life for a few, and science, which offers long and comfortable lives for many at a cost to nature and their souls.   In Gheisigis, the Emperor Zenith has passed abruptly after a long wasting illness. His son, the new Zenith, is met with a mixture of suspicion and grudging obedience. A zealous sun-worshiper himself, he aims to win over the devout majority with a push to civilize the savages at the outermost edges of the Gheisigian Empire once and for all. Unprecedented missionaries and bureaucrats have been sent to the Hernaut Mountains of Kereba, their most distant colony, and tensions are rising again.   Esclarmonde, the proud Gray Village, has not forgiven the children of the sun who persecuted them for honoring their ancestors. Its inhabitants watch the influx of newcomers with suspicion and consult their ancestors more than ever, bringing them closer to discovering the spirits wearing their forefathers' faces.   What is worse, some of the Esclarmondeans better at holding a grudge have decided to make the sun-children's accusations of using necromancy true. Deep in the Caves of the Forgotten they push the boundaries of techniques used to preserve their dead and establish brief communication between them. It is only a matter of time before they stumble upon true reanimation and the Gray Village's honored dead rise to defend their descendants... exposing the spirits' deception in the process.   These spirits, the rochecanta, are conflicted for the first time in centuries. The new necromantic techniques give them power the likes of which they have never experienced, and some are prepared to reveal themselves to gain more of it. Others look at the budding Esclarmondean necromancers with admiration, wondering if they should follow suit and try to possess live bodies instead of dead ones. The rochecanta who advocate caution, staying in the role of honored ancestor and attempting to keep the peace that way, find themselves increasingly outnumbered...

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