Spider Knights Organization in Gilded | World Anvil
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Spider Knights

Followers of Arachnis

The Spider Knights are a group of separatists from a key faction in the Merk. They belive that all the Eternals should be related to or a descendant of the god they worship, Arachnis, or should be a member from their guild of knights. Turrimmoor was a large country spanning multiple landmasses which was split into segmented territories after the Spider Knights. Crab Knights and Woodsmen were formed, making the Council of Spires' control significantly weaker.


  • Priest: Highest ranks, in charge of handing out holy relics such as the 8-bladed swords. The majority of people communing with Arachnis and conversing are Priests.
  • Holy Guard:
  • Elite Knight:
  • Knight:
  • Squire:


They share a lot of the same moral belifs as the cos

Public Agenda

The Spider Knights only see Arachis as a true and worthy Eternal. Because of this, they want to replace all the Eternals with relatives of Arachnis, or followers of him from their cause.


Arachnis, the Blacksmith deity, forges undestroyable artifacts, which the Spider Knights always ensure they obtain. These strong relics of weapons can surive hundreds of eras, and whilst they erode in appearance they can only grown in cutting edge.


CoS - beliefs too exteme for them so left SK - take back aracha nd mainly stay in arach CK - belived the Sk took things too ersiouly, made a small group and took a rowing boat all the way to furca


Strong naval force far better at defending arach than invading other terriotites


  • Spider Knights were the first conceptualized organization when Gilded was being created. 
A painting of inland Arach, depicting the beautiful forests during a misty blood moon. 
Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
Arachnid Knights, Arachnis' Devotees
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization
Training Level
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Palace economy
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations

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