Chad Britt Character in Giantsfell | World Anvil
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Chad Britt

Lord Master Chad Britt (a.k.a. Glorious)

Chad Britt grew up in the lap of luxury, born into a family who had come into extreme wealth in an 'unconventional way'. Most of his days were spent idled away in their mansion, his every need catered for, every scratch itched, and any whim simply snapped away.   In fact in a cruel fate he was entangled in this borderline fantasy until he genuinely believed that he was so great that the universe revolved around himself. At first such delusions of grandeur were simply brushed aside as childish needs are easily accommodated. Chad wasn't the first entitled kid and wouldn't be the last, and to keep a young master satisfied is always beneficial for any aide. However Chad's ego grew with his stature and his self-awareness faded with time. The more Chad 'succeeded' in life the more he though he could achieve thereafter. Continuously breaking down invisible hurdles Chad embarked on quest after quest, until eventually he set sight on his biggest foray yet, his own religion. The church of Chad! A Missionary of his own religion Chad moves from town to town spreading the word of his gospel.   Currently no one really knows exactly who, or maybe, what Chad is but slowly one ear at a time the legend grows.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slightly on the taller side with what would most naturally described as a, "sizeable" stature. Shoulder length curls descend from his head framing a strong cut jaw. Chad is fairly muscular but not excessively built.

Chad Britt much like a diamond in the rough is worth way less than he thinks he is, and more importantly, worth much less than absolutely everyone around you will tell you.

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Chaotic Neutral
Twenty Four
Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6ft 3in

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