Opasno Forbidden Forest Geographic Location in Gi'ardi | World Anvil
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Opasno Forbidden Forest (Oh-pahs-noh)

Also known as the Opasno forest (named by the Stephonians to the east of it) or Tiltot forest (named by the kingdom of Khamankrygra on the northern side), it started going wild sometime during the collapse of the Reman empire and while it is mostly uninhabited by humans, it is home to the Vukodlac and the Pricolici, which are vampires and vampiric werewolves respectively. These are formerly dead-and-buried people, or people who weren't buried fast enough, who were also really evil people in their lifetimes and so they crawled their way out and have made their death other people's problem. They feed on the blood of animals but also anyone who is unlucky enough to be caught outside at night by them. In addition to these creatures, the forest hosts a thick tree growth that is actually one giant network of trees connected at the roots, but the trees in the middle of the forest are dead and unable to rot. There are a lot of legends about what created this forest. Some say a demon is trapped there. Some say the Devil himself. Things come out but only those from the forest can go in and then come back out successfully. It's so dangerous that occasionally, executed criminals will be purposefully left at the border of the forest and then the people that dragged the body need to vigorously wash themselves and be blessed by their religious leader of choice to ward off bad juju. Very stupid teenagers will occasionally dare each other to go to the edge of it and some parents with questionable decision making skills will send their kids to the edge to "scare them straight" instead of just telling them scary stories about it like sane people would. In general, people are not stupid enough to actually have the forest commit crimes for them - they know that the forest's inhabitants do not make deals. They just take and take and take.
Alternative Name(s)
Opasno, Tiltot

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