Keldary Species in Ghala | World Anvil
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Keldary is a hardy plant native to Ghala known for it's numbing and hallucinogenic effects. It can grow in all climates except arctic or desert. Keldary can grow in sunlight or shade. Though it is widespread, Keldary can be easily overlooked if you don't know what you are looking for due to it's unassuming apearance. The plants usually grow in clusters of 10, making it easy to harvest multiple leaves at once.   Should you look for Keldary, roll a d6 to see if you can find any. on a 1-3 you DO NOT find any. On a 4-6 you DO find some. The DM will decide how many times you can search for the plants.   If any is found, roll a d10 to determine how many are harvested.   Once harvested, the leaves may be chewed or stored. The leaves have a severly bitter and unpleasant taste. All races may eat the leaves, however non biological races like warforged or spirits will feel no effect. The effects of Keldary is not a poison, and thus an immunity to poison does not nullify it's effects.

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Upon consuming a leaf, you will feel a false sense of invincibility. All damage received is reduced by 1d4 per leaf consumed. This allows you to take more damage than you otherwise would be able to. This damage reduction stacks for each leaf consumed, meaning that eating 2 leaves would grant 2d4 damage reduction. The effects of Keldary last 1 minute per leaf consumed. Your speech is slurred while under the influence of Keldary, take disadvantage on any charisma checks while under the influence.   Should you reach 0 HP under the influence of Keldary, you will fall unconscious. The plant does not make you invincible, but rather dulls the pain from any blow taken.   If more than 2 leaves are eaten, you will begin to hallucinate. If a DC 8 intelligence check is passed, the hallucinations will have no detrimental effect on you. For every leaf consumed after the second leaf, an intelligence save with a DC of 3 higher than the previous one must be made or you will become put into a trance by the hallucinations. If a 1, 2, or 3 is rolled on any of these checks you will see everyone around you as monsters and turn hostile to all nearby creatures.   If 6 leaves are consumed, you must make a DC 13 constitution save or suffer an overdose. If you overdose, take 3d10 damage evrey turn for 3 turns. The damage from an overdose is NOT reduced by the numbing effects of the plant. If you save, nothing happens other than feeling slightly nausous. For evrey leaf consumed after this, repeat the saving throw with a DC of 3 higher than the previous one.   The effects of Keldary can take a toll on the body. Once the effects of Keldary wear off, make a DC 5 constitution saving throw. Upon a failed save, you collapse into a prone position and are afflicted with extreme pain. Take 1d8 non fatal damage for each leaf consumed. The DC increases by 2 for every leaf consumed.   If Keldary is ground into a powder and boiled in salty water it will loose it's numbing effects, but maintain it's hallucinogenic abilities. "processed" Keldary is often used as a recreational drug, and can cause lasting effects depending on the dosage. The effects of inhaling powdered Keldary last for 1 hour.
Scientific Name
hallucinatio foliorum

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