Beizak Character in Geode-Errets | World Anvil
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Beizak was a minor nature diety of evergreens and other conifers, however, this was so far in the past, and he has lived so long (for him) as a mortal, that a misplaced sense of pride, and a dose of insanity have him claim that his divine history has been long forgotten to him.   After the old gods failed in their rebellion they they were sentenced to mortal existence, Beizak, among others took up a lifetime of attempts to regain his divine powers and immortality through magic. At 150 years, at the time of his scheduled death, Beizak "completed a forbidden ritual" defeating the psychopomps assigned to take him away to the Halls of Judgment.   Lichdom was good to Beizak, even if he was only able to reclaim a fraction of his powers as the god of pinecones, rising to prominence and subjugating the Elven Kingdoms - killing off four of the royal families and forcing the last into a xenophobic exile. While the newly formed Commonwealth of Elven Republics were finally able to drive back the lich and his armies with the help of the Vowely Convocation, the climatic battle just a few months later saw the defeat of the Convocation. This would have increased his threat to the rest of the continent, if not the world, had not the destruction been mutual.   Because of this, shortly after the Convocation's defeat at the bony hands of Beizak, the lich himself seemed to disappear completely from the stage of history. However, as psychopomps and the more active clerics know, his soul was never ushered to Artrum's Gates, meaning that he is still lurking about somewhere on in the mortal planes.
Circumstances of Birth
Beizak was one of the original deities of Errets, created by Elyon and His Children as the god of evergreens, conifers and pinecones. However, he joined with the rebellion and was subsequently sentenced to mortal existence.

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