Minor Characters in Genesis | World Anvil
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Minor Characters

While there have been countless notable figures who've played a part in the history of Genesis, many others have lived and died in relative obscurity despite playing their own parts in the stories of others.  
This section is for those minor characters who were important in their own ways, but went largely unremembered and aren't found in the history books. Each entry includes the individuals' name, some basic information, and a short summary of what they meant to those who knew them.  

Characters of Genesis and the Old World

Human, Old World born, past
A young woman whose family runs the Wyvern Inn in the town of Bridgewater, somewhere in Old World Romania. She briefly crossed paths with the Reaper Rei Arryn.

Human, Genesis born, present
Friend and advisor to the Reaper J'alla Silverleaf, Andras was born in Genesis but had a high tolerance for the magic-starved environment of the Old World. He helped serve as J'alla's emissary in matters that she couldn't attend to personally, and also fought at her side as a talented Caller mage.

Seraph, Old World born, past
A talented tactician and Huntlord of the Seraph family during the War of Dark Flames. He was responsible for the attack that resulted in the destruction and fall of the elven kingdom of Starfall.   ASHIENN
Shapeshifter, Genesis born, present
Living a largely solitary existence, Ashienn's only real attempt to be part of a community was ended when the clan he'd started forming ties with was destroyed by one of the Cursed. Meeting the Reaper Kenneth Hunter in the process of hunting down and destroying the culprit, the two became close friends. Lived out his later years watching over Kenneth's grandson.   BRIAN
Vampire, Old World born, present
A young vampire, Brian was abandoned by his creator in violation of vampire law and was found living on the streets by Jonathan Suntouched. He was quick-witted, mischievous, and a thorough test of his master's patience. Close friends with the human girl Kate Morris, who he helped survive when they were left on their own following Jonathan's disappearance.   CATHERINE KINGSLEY
Human, Old World born, present
A human woman with no knowledge of Genesis or magic, Cat became involved in an ongoing conflict between vampires after Jonathan Suntouched picked her house at random to take refuge in while gravely wounded. The two fell in love, with Cat eventually choosing to become a vampire in order to live alongside Jonathan.
Human, Old World born, present
Brother to Andrea Reynolds, Charlie was a human college student with a mean streak and a drinking problem. He was the first kill for the Reaper Artemis Hunter.   CYRUS SERAPH
Seraph, Old World born, present
A cousin of Darius Seraph, chosen as his replacement as Huntlord when Darius abandoned the family. He was gravely wounded in the First Siege of Darkmere, but continued to lead after Ak'har Seraph's death.   DIANA SERAPH
Seraph, Old World born, present
Gentle-natured for a member of the vicious Seraph family, Diana killed herself rather than face the family's sentencing after helping her cousin Darius Seraph escape captivity. Following her death, she found new life and purpose as a Pale Rider in service to Siarus.   ELIAS ARWELL
Human, Genesis born, present
A mage and Hound, Elias was partnered with the timewalker Rhea. Living in the remote town of Feldspar in the Emberspur Mountains, the two worked closely to keep their home safe from the hazards of the mountains.

Seraph, Old World born, present
Cousin to Darius Seraph, Eryn believed himself to be the rightful leader of the family despite the fact that the Seraphs have always been ruled by power rather than primogeniture. He had an intense dislike and resentment of Darius which led him to betray his cousin and leave him for dead, and was subsequently killed by him in combat after his return.   EVE
Human, Old World born, past
A teenaged prostitute, working the streets of Amsterdam during WWI. Chosen by Grey Bloodlord to be Jonathan Suntouched's first kill for his Blooding, she was rescued by Jonathan but subsequently died when he mindlessly attacked her after reaching the point of near-starvation.   'EVE'
Vampire, Old World born, present
A woman of unknown origin, powerfully enchanted by Grey Bloodlord to have the memories and appearance of a human girl by the same name. Intended as a weapon against Jonathan Suntouched, but formed an unexpected friendship with him instead before seeking a new identity of her own.   EVREN ALIET
Human, Genesis born, present
A Binder from Vallus Circle, Evren worked with various companies of adventurers based out of Lyonesse. While he was moderately talented, his ambition far outstripped his abilities and paired poorly with his willingness to overlook morality in favor of what served him best.

Kingdomborn Angelim, Genesis born, present
A childhood friend to Raziel of Easthaven, Gabriel is one of the rare few in the Kingdom who feels discontent with his caste. He aspires to greater things, and is willing to go to great lengths for the promise of power.   HALIM OZDEMIR
Human, Genesis born, present
Guard-captain of the town of Feldspar in the Emberspur Mountains. Despite having no magical or gods-granted powers, Halim's natural authority made him a strong leader and effective in keeping the town secure and prosperous. Married to the timewalker Rhea.
Elven, Old World born, past
An elven woman who was part of the King's Messengers of Silverleaf. She and the Reaper Jhayden Anurios were casual lovers for much of the Reaper's life.   JOSHUA SERAPH
Human, Old World born, present
Father of Darius Seraph and husband to Maria, Joshua was known as an uncharacteristically fair-minded Huntlord when compared to most who've held the title. He tried to minimize Seraph conflict with the other races in favor of building and reinforcing the family. Eventually killed by the Reaper Kenneth Hunter.

Kingdomborn Avian, Genesis born, present
A childhood friend to Raziel Moonfire, Kajaa grew up to serve in a different household belonging to their mutual childhood friend Gabriel. She's become drawn into the war between Ysvaeth and Easthaven through no fault of her own, and feels torn between the people she cares about on either side.   KATE MORRIS
Human, Old World born, present
A young girl orphaned when her family was assassinated for political reasons. Rescued by Darius Seraph and left in the care of Jonathan Suntouched, who helped raise her and train her in the use of magic. Kate became close friends with the vampire Brian, and the two had to survive on their own after Jonathan's disappearance.

Kingdomborn Avian, Genesis born, present
Disgraced when she was cast out of Ysvaeth household, Krahe was given a second chance when she was made a part of the Easthaven household under Raziel Moonfire. She and Raziel have become a couple, initially drawing them into conflict with Meph before his wider ambitions are revealed.

Human, Old World born, present
An elderly widow who ran a small bed and breakfast in Napa Valley of the Old World. It's not entirely clear how aware she was of Genesis, but she frequently hosted no-questions-asked guests for both the Reaper Artemis Hunter and Darius Seraph when they needed a safe place for someone in trouble.   RAETHE
Half-elven, Genesis born, present
Half elven and half Seraph, Raethe was the result of the rape of an elven woman and raised with no knowledge of his Seraph lineage. Never fitting in, he leapt at the chance for real family when he was eventually discovered by Ak'har Seraph. He was used to help the Seraphs gain entry to Darkmere, acting as a saboteur between the first and second sieges.   RAETHE OF THE SALAMANDERS
Human, Genesis born, present
Leader of a trio of mercenaries known as the Salamanders. He and his companions travelled from shard to shard seeking work, primarily hunting monsters, bandits, and fugitives. Largely pragmatic, he didn't care much about the right or wrong of the jobs he took so long as they paid well.   RHEA OF FELDSPAR
Human, Old World born, present
A timewalker in service to Lore, Rhea was eventually partnered with the Hound Elias Arwell. She chose to live mostly in the waking world in Feldspar, marrying the town's guard-captain Halim Ozdemir.
Human, Old World born, past
A famed Seer and follower of Alarand, Rhiannon was known throughout the magical world for the power and accuracy of her prophecies. She served in the temple of the god of fate located in New Avalon.   ROBIN SERAPH
Seraph, Old World born, past
A young Seraph who befriended the Reaper Rei Arryn during the time Rei was imprisoned by his family, and was killed in the process of helping Rei escape. He was buried in secret in the sacred cavern of the Darkmere.

Elven, Genesis born, present
Equally skilled with a blade and magic, Rowan was companion, advisor, and lover to the Reaper J'alla Silverleaf. The two were fast friends since adolescence and were inseparable for most of their lives. She was known as a level-headed presence who helped act as a stabilizing force in J'alla's often tumultuous life.

Human, Old World born, past
A timewalker from somewhere in the Holy Land, who worked there alongside his Hound partner and wife Herena to try and fight against the atrocities committed during the First Crusade. Met Martin of Ennor during the Siege of Maarat, and was instrumental in introducing Martin to Lore's faith.   SELENA
Vampire, Old World born, present
A vampire of uncommon beauty and uncommon cruelty, Selena was the twin sister to Grey Bloodlord. Formed a personal vendetta equal to her brother's against the vampire Jonathan Suntouched, which only intensified after her brother's death.
Human, Genesis born, present
An intensely ambitious Binder with a fair bit of talent, Shira was an apprentice in Vallus Circle of Lyonesse. She was known for wearing a birdskull pendant enchanted to hold the bird's captive soul.
Elven, Genesis born, present
Trian was a mage from a minor noble house of Darkmere, and a friend to Alysa Silverleaf and Darius Seraph. He and Alysa briefly courted during Darius's seven year absence, and remained close.
Valravn, Genesis born, present
A valravn who fully embraces her predatory nature; she's achieved her 'human' form, but seems to have no regrets for the process. Since meeting Val by chance, she's taken to following him in hopes that he'll break away from the trappings of civility and join her as a worthy partner.   WREN
Human, Genesis born, present
A fearless young boy living in the village of Amerril in Estaval Shard. Despite being targeted by a valravn for his heart, he was saved by a mysterious stranger.   ZAÍD
Human, Old World born, present
A modern-day mercenary operating in the Middle East, Zaíd had no knowledge of magic or Genesis. Darius Seraph worked under his leadership for several years, and the two became friends as much as they were employer and employee.
This article is a constant work in progress, and will continue to change and evolve alongside the world. Many of these individuals may merit their own seperate articles at some future date.


NAME: The individual's given name, or the name they were known by.
  RACE: The race to which they belonged.
  ORIGIN: Whether they were Genesis-born, or part of the Old World. For characters who existed pre-Shattering, this is an indicator of whether they grew up in a magical or non-magical community/area.
  ERA: Broken into present, past, and distant past. 'Present' indicates within the last hundred years, 'past' indicates the last several thousand years, and 'distant past' indicates far enough back that details, names, and exact dates are often unknown.
  SUMMARY: A brief listing of what the individual is most remembered for by those who knew them.

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