Bloodbane Character in Genesis | World Anvil
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Also known as: the King of the Outer Dark, the Lifegiver   One of the Blood Gods of the vampiric pantheon, Bloodbane is the god of power and lifegiving blood. Despite being the middle sibling in terms of seniority, he's considered the leader of the Blood Gods.   The most dominant and charismatic of his siblings, Bloodbane holds power largely due to the imprisonment of The Bound One and the general indifference of his elder sister Ishali. All too aware of this, he's aggressive and puts great efforts into expanding his following. Of all the Blood Gods, he's the most concerned with the longterm survival and prosperity of the vampire race, even if it's just a means to an end with regards to increasing his own superiority; he takes the most active hand in the lives of his chosen, and uses them to advance his own scheming on the mortal plane.  


Shown alternately in his true vampiric form or a more human-looking form, Bloodbane is always depicted wearing a crown and with blood overflowing from his cupped hands. He's often shown smiling. In his human form, Bloodbane appears as a handsome, athletic man with straight dark hair that falls to his shoulders, barechested and wearing a knee-length drape of crimson fabric around his waist. His crown is either silver or blood-red and has jagged points extending both upwards and downwards, with the downward points resembling fangs.  

Typical Chosen

Claiming the majority of freshly created vampires, Bloodbane makes relatively little distinction in who he takes as his own. Though there's little to unify his following other than allegiance to the same god, he does favor those who show resourcefulness and ambition and is generous with the favor he shows those that he considers worthy.   Dedicated followers of Bloodbane are generally the leaders and conquerors of the vampiric world, and find their power and dominance over others of their kind greatly enhanced. They'll seek power through their own advancement or the elimination of their rivals, a practice that Bloodbane sees as acceptable so long as they don't go far enough to unsettle the overall stability of the vampiric community. However, the god is ultimately fickle in who he does or doesn't favor. Chosen who overstep themselves or meet with unexpected failure can find themselves deserted as quickly as they were granted his approval in the first place.  

Associated Mythology


Holy Symbol

god of power
and lifegiving blood

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