The Royal Order of Psychic Defenders Organization in Generation of wonders | World Anvil
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The Royal Order of Psychic Defenders

The Royal Order of Psychic Defenders(Or simply "The Order", pre 1945 "The Royal Order of Super Gifted Defenders") is a special division within MI6 whose sole job is to utilize psychically gifted citizens of the United Kingdom towards the protection of the Crown.
The Order was created during the second world war, and was an integral part of the super powered fighting force dedicated to defeat the Nazi regime, in the start The Order was in charge of all super powered espionage , but after the 2nd WW, the King has decided to distribute the responsibility of The Order and give it a more specific purpose.
The Order has taking major part in every espionage operation that the UK took part of, from finding out that the USSR has nuclear weapons, to finding out the Conspiracy to Kill the Queen, it was given several Victoria Crosses and plenty of other lesser awards.
The Order's main goal is to apprehend any national threat who has access to supernatural powers, be it from magic or aliens or genetics. The Order searches the globe for threats to the crown, and when it finds one, it sends it's best agents to stop and capture it, or if it's not possible, eliminate the threat. The Order's secondary goal is to train and find new people who are worthy of getting an Atman, as the UK holds 20% of the world's supply, it needs gifted citizens who can access the unlimited potential of the device and use it to further increase the Crown's power in these uneasy times. To further that goal, it has a large net of analysts who search the country for promising young men and women whom they can persuade to take the call to defend the country.   The Orders leader takes commands directly from Her Majesty.


The Order Leader - Duke Alfred Mannheim, VC, GC, KG, KT.
Division Leaders -
Foreign division: Freya Bond
Support division: Bil Coventry
Training division: Theodore
Foreign Division structure:
Foreign geopolitical issues group
Psychic interrogation group
Espionage group

Public Agenda



HQ - Central London
Dozens of safe hiding apartments/building all over the globe
400 Personal
Hundreds of Motorized Vehicles, ranging from low-end scooters to stealth aircraft
Newest equipment, weapons and armor


1937 - Founded
1938 - The Order was given it's first Victoria Cross award, given in secret by the King.
1945 - The Order was shrunk to distribute its responsibilities
1962 - The Order stops a nuclear missile launch by Soviet submarine B-59
1977 - The Order finds and assassinates the leader of the IRA Army council, this leads to peace talks as the Irish lose hope of regaining full independence.
1987 - The Order finds and kills the arch-terrorist responsible to the "Subway of death", Kayn Gondara.
1992 - The Assassination attempt on the queen was successfully stopped by Duke Alfred Mannheim

1999 - The Order stops Y2K from destroying electronic devices in the world
2011 - The Order stops The Mayan Prophecy.
2015 - Duke Mannheim becomes the leader of The Order.

Semper Occultus

Founding Date
Secret, Government
Alternative Names
The Order
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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