The Pantheon of Geminaea Organization in Geminaea | World Anvil
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The Pantheon of Geminaea

There are a total of eighty-eight gods that serve the realm of Geminaea. Nineteen are the Prime Deities - the leaders and supreme powers in the court of the gods and the other sixty-nine are the Divines who serve under the Prime Deities.   The Gods are not a natural force within the world, but are instead manifestations caused by the magic of mortals. Every mortal in the realm of Geminaea possess within them a mote of the arcane and through the act of their belief, the gods are given form. Because of this, the Gods act upon the collective intentions, hopes, and beliefs of the mortals who pray to them. The nature of the gods is changing, and shifts with the ever-changing beliefs of Geminaeans.   The Prime Deities
  The Divines

Divine Origins

Long ago there were no gods to watch over the realm of mortals. In this godless time, the world was filled with simple beings -- beasts, plants, and animals -- who had slowly evolved over aeons, imbued by the latent magical energy of the land.   Invariably, the evolution of the world's creatures progressed and they grew ever more complex and ever more intelligent. With the magic of Geminaea permeating from every living entity of this primordial world, the creatures developed in fantastical ways. The force of evolution constantly finding new and cunning ways to outdo itself in the perpetual race for survival of the fittest.   At first an innocuous advancement in evolution's path, the mutation that would change the course of Geminaea's history was the birth of the creature to attain intelligence beyond primal instinct -- the first human. Over the ages, these intelligent beings progressed from using simple tools to founding complex societies. Invariably, these early thinkers began to question their existence in the world and the power behind it. "What brings the rain?" They questioned. "What force wills the storms?"   This curiosity progressed into the creation of the world's first religions. Early prophets spoke out about the truth of the world they discovered - the existence of the gods that created and control all. Gradually, the peers of these prophets listened, and began to believe in their words. They began to believe in the existence of the gods.   This belief was not without consequence. Being creatures of Geminaea, imbued with the potent magical energy of the land, the act of belief allowed these early mortals to channel the mystical forces within them. As these early religions progressed from insular cults to organized societies, the collective will and belief of the gods' followers began to will the gods into existence.   As creations of collective though, the gods manifested physically before their followers, and acted in the ways expected by their followers. Gods of Death reaped the lives of mortals who created them, while Gods of Life preserved and protected their flock. With their existence irrefutable and their true nature not understood, mortal belief in the gods redoubled and they grew ever more powerful.   The gods with the most believers had the greater power to bestow boons upon their followers, and the competition for followers grew ever stronger across the world. Eventually, this tension to bolster a god's ranks and convert the followers of competitors built until all-out war broke out across the world. A period known as the God Wars began which would bring untold terrors and darkness to the world -- the sorrow and strife of the mortals of Geminaea further expounding the strength of the gods of ruinous power.   The God Wars raged, threatening to consume all life on Geminaea, and thus erase all power of the god's existence. Countless mortals died and with them, gods and entire pantheons were snuffed out. The conflict mounted until destruction and oblivion of the world was certain. Few religions remained and all of them dark and terrible -- seeking out and destroying any opposing followers.   All would have been lost but for the followers of The Arbiter. In a final spark of hope, a small group, believing strongly in the force of balance in the world, sought to re-establish equilibrium in the world. They had learned the truth of the nature of the gods -- that they were but collections of mortal thought given form -- and they knew the god's power was bound to the existence of mortals. With this truth known, they strived for salvation through perseverance. They sought to outlast the violence.   As the conflict of the God Wars mounted, the followers of The Arbiter set their hopes on the moon and with the help of their god, departed the surface of Geminaea. The war of the gods raged on below them as the Arbiter's followers watched and waited. They waited for generations as the world below them grew darker in the ever-burning tide of war. Finally, the fate of the world was pitted between two great foes -- great and terrible gods who had bound the rest of the world to their will and left the others in ruin.   As they clashed, they came together with the collective force of all of Geminaea's magic. The world trembled as the battle bore on. Great rends opened in the crust of the world and the elements roiled. Both sides continued to batter themselves against the other. Each time they drew back as a diminishing echo of their power. Each time they would clash again and wrack the world over.   Finally, the tension snapped and the world gave its final gasp. The rends in the earth tore open, the seas boiled over, and Geminaea split in two. The Arbiter's followers watched in disbelief as the two halves of Geminaea drifted apart in the distant sky. Their hopes and dreams of generations had come to bear -- but not how they'd pictured. Before them was a hollow world, a shattered world, and a pale shadow to the world they'd hope to re-seed with life and re-establish the balance.   All their waiting seemed for naught. The people distressed a despaired for the life they knew on the moon was an endurance for their fateful goal, not a place to live onward. But the Arbiter was unphased, for as the last of the gods were snuffed out with the rest of the mortals on Geminaea below, the collected power of those great beings were drawn to the last remaining divine force in the realm.   The Arbiter now held supreme power over existence and with it, their final plan would be complete. Life on Geminaea would return. The followers of the Arbiter would return to the surface of their ancestral home -- now split in twain. The gods of the realm would be reborn, but this time bound by the supreme power of balance. The gods would no longer walk the lands of mortals and would be limited to power over only one domain of existence. There would be no new gods, and the gods would not be snuffed out.   The Arbiter taught his followers this, and through their belief, it was done. The moon of Geminaea faded away. The mortals returned to the lands of their ancestors and re-seeded life on the now twinned-realms of Geminaea. The divine pantheon of the gods watching over them from afar, channeling the collective belief of mortals.

Cosmological Views

The gods were originally believed to be the divine creators of the world by the early mortals of Geminaea when they first manifested the gods but it is now widely known that the gods were formed through collective belief and the true origin of the creation of existence remains a mystery. A mystery that not even the gods themselves have uncovered, despite their search for the truth.   Many scholars, especially the followers of the Church of the Unveiled, seek to uncover the fundamental origin of existence and have long strived to find an explanation. Some believe a greater god exists above all that created all and now watches without intervention. Others suggest the magic that permeates the realm was once all there was and from that, spontaneously, existence began and progressed from then.   Since the creation of the gods and the conclusion of the God Wars, the gods now maintain great power over the cosmology of Geminaea. Scholars and explorers list the Mortal Plane, The Fey Wild, The Shadowfel, the Elemental Chaos, and the Void to be the known planes of existence, but many believe there to be more out there to be discovered (including the realms of the gods themselves).


The worship of the many gods varies widely in various cultures and sects. Though all of the gods are known to be real, mortals will often select a guiding divine or divines to directly worship in their own personal ways in the hope they will curry the favor of those gods directly in their lives.   Because the believe and will of mortals influences the way the gods act and relationship with their domain, the gods are often worshipped for opposing reasons. For example, a hateful individual seeking the death of others may pay homage to persuade Essavera, the god of death to visit their enemy while another altruistic soul may hope for Essavera to safely steward the souls of the lost to their next life. It is because of this that all of the gods are continually in flux as the desire of their followers ebbs and flows pushing them to act in changing ways.


To help organize worship and coordinate the will of the devout, fifteen sects divide the gods of Geminaea into groups that each represent a major domain of existence. Through these orders, the ministers lead their masses in guided rituals that aim to influence their collective power over the god's actions.   The Church of the Holy Virtues  
  The Holy Virtues are the gods that represent what is often seen by mortals as the unifying and positive forces in the world. The Church of Holy Virtues holds significant influence in many of the civilizations and governments of Geminaea.   The Prime Deities of the Holy Virtues are:     The Divines who serve under the Prime Deities of the Holy Virtues are:     The Bastion of the Light  
  The Bastion represents the gods that bring Light into the realm of Geminaea. The followers of the Bastion recognize the importance of the light to everything that thrives in its glow and the purpose they serve in connecting the realm of mortals with the distant realm of the gods.   The Prime Deity of the Light is Haizandyr the Everlight, God of Light.   The Divines who serve under Haizandyr are:     The Guild of the Divine Expressions  
  The Guild collects the followers of the gods who find their purpose in expressing themselves through creation. In addition to existing as a religious order, the Guild also organizes Geminaea's many crafters and artists, connecting and representing their interests across the realm.   The Prime Deity of the Guild is Lennaryn the Maker, God of Creation.   The Divines who serve under Lennaryn are:     The Church of the Advancements  
  The Advancements represent the constant advance of time and change in the mortal realm, overseeing the nature of change and the fates of mortals.   The Prime Deity of the Advancements is Dhogen the Changebringer, God of Change.   The Divines who serve under Dhogen are:     The Grove of Nature's Guardians  
  The Grove honors the gods who maintain power over the domains of the natural world of Geminaea. Its followers are stewards of the natural world and seek to protect the often fragile systems that compose the diverse wilds of Geminaea.   The Prime Deity of the Guardians of Nature is Jannacea the Wildmother, God of Nature.   The Divines who serve under Jannacea are:     The Order of the Unveiled  
  The Order follow the the gods of knowing and discovery, seeking to unveil the truths of the world through study. The followers of the Unveiled are scholars, researchers, and teachers who see knowledge and understanding as a vital part of existence.   The Prime Deity of the Unveiled is Kyzandra the Knowing Mistress, God of Knowledge.   The Divines who serve under Kyzandra are:     The Order of the Shroud  
  The counterpart to the Unveiled, the Shroud represent all that is hidden and unknown about the world. Its followers see the importance and power of concealment and obscure information and recognize that some things shouldn't be known.   The Prime Deity of the Shroud is Miganis the Unknown, God of Shadow.   The Divines who serve under Miganis are:     The Chancery of the Fortunes  
  The Chancery represents the forces behind the ebb and flow of fortune and chance. Its followers are those who seek success through audacity and bravery and those who recognize the random nature of the fates.   The Prime Deity of the Fortunes is Sharlesyn the Fortuneseer, God of Luck.   The Divines who serve under Sharlesyn are:     The Court of the Spellweaver  
  The Court holds sway over the domain of magic and mortal ability to weave spells. The gods of the Court establish the rules and powers of the disciplines of magic and channel the power of spellcasters in Geminaea. The followers of the Court are often mages, sorcerers, and researchers of the arcane who seek to deepen their understanding of magic.   The Prime Deity of the Court is Lilandreon the Spellweaver, God of Arcana.   The Divines of Lilandreon's Court are:     The Church of the Cosmic Scale   The Cosmic Scale is the representation of the God who established the Divine Order as it exists now in Geminaea after the end of the God Wars. The sole deity of the Church is Ola'Vandyr the Arbiter, God of Balance, who works to maintain the balance of the gods he created when the gods were reborn. The followers of the Scale understand the importance of maintaining the balance to prevent the horrors of the God Wars from returning.   The Church of the Indulgences  
  The Indulgences represent all of the emotional pleasures and desires of life. Its followers see the indulgences as what gives life meaning and purpose, believing that one should enjoy their time in life.   The Prime Deity of the Indulgences is Stevarion the Rapacious One, God of Desire.   The Divines who serve under Stevarion are:     The Church of the Passing   The Passing represents the forces of death and the transition of mortality to what comes after. Its followers recognize the importance of death in giving life meaning and seek connection with their ancestors.   The Prime Deity of the Passing is Sara'Theon the Spiritkeeper, God of Death and serving under him is Essavera the Ascendant, God of the Ancestors.   The Cult of the Eternal Soul   The Eternal Soul is the belief that the soul is immutable and can be made to outlast the forces of death. Fraedyzen the Undying, God of Undeath is the sole Divine of the cult and he represents his follower's desire to break the chains of mortality.   The Church of Ruinous Powers  
  The Ruinous Powers represent the destructive forces of the world. The devotion to these powers varies, with some sects seeking to appease or stave back the forces of ruin through their worship while others turn to the ruinous powers to bring despair upon others.   The Prime Deities of the Ruinous Powers are:     The Divines who serve under the Prime Deities are:     The Order of the Martial Forces  
  The Martial Forces represent the powers of war and force in Geminaea. The order's followers are often warriors and soldiers who seek the boon of the gods to bring them fortune in battle.   The Prime Deity of the Martial Forces is Abrysses the The Warrior, God of War.   The Divines who serve under Abrysses are:  
Religious, Pantheon
Clash of Gods, The God Wars  
The World Tree  
The Divine Gate

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