The Horseback Court Organization in GC3 | World Anvil
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The Horseback Court

hawses   Gentry:   Horseman (ABSENT)    The Warlord - the warlord loves the feeling of battle, victory, empire. They run their own little state on the side, demanding tribute from gentry and human alike to feed their vanity and hunger for fame   The Gentry-Wrangler - the court agreed on working with humans, and the wrangler keeps things that way. They lead a mercantile khanate that wields brute force on anyone who disrupts the harmony between races   The Lawgiver - the Lawgiver sees themselves as having a responsibility to lead and make social structures. They write and teach law, which they see as the key to running a fair society   The Explorer - they just love riding with their mortal courts, meeting new people, anything to mix stuff up. Not the best leader, but definitely friendly   The Animal-Tamer - the gentry has fallen in love with the land and is very protective of it. They are a weird survivalist-camper who appoints mortals to do most of the work for them while they follow those nostalgic trails. Their hobby is taming, wrestling with, and hunting animals.   The Khan's Advisor - this gentry once was a tyrant who has since been called out by the others and is working to get better. They have handed off the reigns to mortal fey, who they support and advise, and they often pretend to be a mortal to try and see what other life sees.   The Pastoralist - they see pastoral, nomadic living as the best thing and envision it as something that should be available to anyone. They have made horses for pixies, floating horses, mounts of every kind. They have mastered animal husbandry and dream of making a tribe-kingdom for every biome   The Raider - the Raider sees the warfare and raids as the measure of strength, and strength as the measure of worth. They love to collect and weaponize bandits, exiles, and all who will listen to them absolutely, and they value loyalty above all.   The Collector - the Collector loves to hoard things of worth- treasure, people, idols of other religions. Their avarice and jealousy has consumed them and their impulse control has faded over the years.   The Tyrant - they are not warlike or dangerous to the world, just mean and demanding and childish to their people. They need constant attention and validation from their peers and subjects.   The White Hat - once they were a bad khan who couldn't much budget anything. They gave up that life, encouraging their people to elect their own. They act as the people's guardian and vigilante, who rides mysteriously out as the Midnight Rider to wrassle up evil-doers in a superhero power fantasy they live in now   The River-Khan - What is a man to a horse… but What is a horse to a boat? The River Khan loves boat life. The most sedentary of the bunch, they have broken their people into groups for river-boating, river-farming, and pastoralism.   The Home-guard - This gentry is the home-body, who works to protect and curate the original court territory and portal. The gardener, they are a quiet homebody who enjoys sleeping and slow progress on big projects.
Court, Royal

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