The Dream Court Organization in GC3 | World Anvil
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The Dream Court

mean girls: the court   Gentry:   Voice of Fey Queen - you know ;)    The Conciliatory - Rebel faction; the conciliatory for centuries played "peacemaker" between the Voice and those who are lazy and has grown to see the Voice as a bully. They care more about who is being nicer than anything to do with mortal fey   The Hooligan - Rebel faction; the hooligan just wants to be a hedonistic tyrant who doesn't need to work. Entitled, angry, and very vengeful, they have finally gotten productive and professional in their hate-match with the Voice   The Annoying Centrist - Neutral; they refuse to pick a faction, or do anything that would alienate one of their "friends". Largely self-isolated and kinda childish, but everyone spends time with them to try and court them to their faction. Will back the Voice if Rebels attack, so they are the last roadblock in rebel victory   The Libertarian - Rebel faction; they see mortal fey as stronger when they get things done themselves, and have intellectualized their laziness as a philosophy. They see themselves as the only "logical" person there   The Tyrant's Pet - Voice Faction; they love the feeling of being the best and they revel in seeing the rebel faction squirm. They don't mind working as long as they can see other people be even more unhappy than them   The BFFsie - Voice faction; always the shoulder to cry on for the Voice, they sees themselves as important to God now. Stressed out by this new role, they are trying their best to be supportive and helpful but honestly are isolated and lonely as the Voice no longer sees them as a friend.   The "Loyal" Opposition - Rebel faction; they are the least rowdy of the rebel faction and most polite, and they are willing to work. But the Voice's micromanagement has made working a nightmare and they are willing to do whatever it takes to end their awful work environment
Court, Royal

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