The Caldera Court Organization in GC3 | World Anvil
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The Caldera Court

smartbois   Gentry: Socrates    The bureaucrat   Doctor Justice - Doctor Justice used to be the clown of the court, and after their friends turned on them they began holding grudges. Talking it through with others have allowed them to develop their feelings of persection into a fiery sense of justice that they now crusade for. They hate anyone who is a bully or sees themselves above others   The Teacher - The teacher really loves philosophy and teaching, as it makes them feel satisfied and constructive. They are excited to bring mortal fey in and generally like being looked up to as a teacher   The Selfish Philosopher - They see philosophy as the greatest contribution to the world and would rather spout pretentious than actually help others (which they feel would "limit their agency"). With no stakes in the world, their philosophy is weird and abstract.   The Head in the Clouds - They are so used to following orders for centuries that leadership is beyond them. They drift along, helping people, obeying the court, daydreaming, and making harmless little creations.   The Vain - they see the gentry as the natural order, and are committed to ruling those beneath them absolutely. Their past competency has created a sense of ego that is insane, and they basically think of themselves as a living god and rightful lord of the Caldera   The Politician - they write the actual policy and work the books for the Caldera court, not as a leader but as an administrator. They follow the court rules carefully to always check with the others, but the process can be frustrating.   The Cynic - They see mortals as irrational and limited, and they see effort towards them as wasted. They are a pessimist who plays devil's advocate in perpetuity   The Belligerent - They love their friends a lot, but have channeled that love into a sort of community superiority complex. They see other courts as inferior and in need of showing "how to do things right".   The Monarchist - The one who was always passed over for having bad ideas and a bad attitude, they think the whole direction is bad and that they are the rightful leader. They think everyone has betrayed the fae queen except for them   The Hippie - The hippie broke something mortal they cared about long ago and have come to resent their own power. They live among the mortals for long periods, helping people without assuming power over them. They think the others are pretentious for the most part.


attempts to debate the fay queen, etc etc etc
Court, Royal

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