Dancing Ore Material in GC3 | World Anvil
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Dancing Ore

So, a hyper-rare ore that responds to sounds with intent or emotional meaning- songs, words, etc. When forged, if they hear a repeated word with intent or tune, they "memorize" it and when they hear it they revert to that shape. If reforged, they can memorize new songs or words and associate them with that new shape. If they hear that old word or tune, they revert to that associated shape (along with any metal they are mixed with) For example, you could make a lock that just looks like blank metal until you tell it a secret password and it reverts to open; or a door that just looks like a metal wall until you sing to it the right way.   if the pure ore gets forged with a key into one state, then formed into another without setting, it can slowly degrade back into the keyed shape. and the same process is done with a mixed metal, it will hold its shape, but reverting it to the keyed shape is irreversible without reforging   I would like to make it exclusively found at least 1 mile underground- and fairly rare there (like a little less common than gold). The only deposits above that are small, tiny tiny deposits forming bread crumb trails downwards in the major non-cryptid-island mountain ranges

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