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A planet where the gravity is 3 times that of Earth. It is the fourth planet from the sun and it orbits around this sun a bit slower than Earth. There are 116 seconds in a minute, 116 minutes in an hour, 36 hours in a day, 47 days a month, and 20 months in a year. 940 days in a year and 9 days a week. Every 2 1/2 Earth years is equal to a Gazom year.   The planet itself has six continents. Each of which has its own and unique set of properties. Some will even define true physics. There are three types of cities: the first kind are the floating cities. They are made on top of large floating chunks of earth. The second kind are the Undercities, which are formed in the crater underneath the floating cities. The last kind of city is similar to those on Sol 3X: on the ground and exposed.   A planet filled with many different species. One of the strangest planets in this known universe and is yet to be discovered by the Humans on Sol 3X

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