Imperial Navy Organization in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil

Imperial Navy

Imperial Navy is 50% classic warfleet and 50% an organization of joint defense against common outside threats. Imperial Ministry of War focuses most of its power and attention on Imperial Army, making Navy more or less secondary in terms of importance.   That's why it is supported by a vast number of warships requisitioned from navies of the vassal state during, for example, a particularly vicious pirate raiding or naval war with Eagle Empire, sea invasion on Lana, and other local operations.


Imperial Navy can be divided into two main pieces - first is Imperial Fleet, forces belonging directly to the Imperium of Karadia, funded from taxes taken from imperial provinces on Itavia, Nortarrica and Setarrian Isles. It belongs directly to the Imperium, it is paid by Imperium, it moves and fights according to the will of the Imperium. It has its own organizational structure - between squadrons, divisions and fleets - that is commandered by a strict hierarchy of officers - assigned to certain provinces and ports.   Other part of the Navy can be considered an irregular force. Imperial Navy can requisition support from local navies, practically drafting them into its forces, with exact details of command left to discretion of local commanding officer. It is unheard of for Imperial Fleet admirals relinquishing command of their forces to local admirals whose skills they deem superior.   While local fleets are generally tasked with local defense, Imperial Fleet serves as a basis of military expeditions, while normally stationed near Iron Channel, Nikopolan Straits and on Dragarian Isles, also on Lana if it is currently a part of Imperium.

Public Agenda

Defense of Imperium of Karadia and, if needed, expanding the rule of Grand Emperor and Gods. Nothing more, nothing less.


Many strategically placed harbours and anchorages, leased from local states to Imperium of Karadia. Also, a various ships, their classes and number depending on current military, political and economy situation.

Demography and Population

Mariners and officers tend to be competent profesionals, hired in a slightly more lax way than Imperial Army, since what they crew are more of a ships belonging to personal domain of Imperators than 'Imperial' fleet. . Galley slaves (on Native Sea and Black Sea) are slaves, but they tend to be decently treated (at least in Imperial Fleet, situation varies among local states).
Military, Navy


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