Abyss Geographic Location in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Abyss is the deepest part of the Labirynth, lying more than ten kilometres beneath Karadia, that is believed to be one of four major domains of Pentagram in the Light. It was created probably in the early Twilight Period of Preimperial Era, however this is mostly a guess because of the nearly complete lack of knowledge about depths of Labirynth during that age.   It is traditionally a domain of the Discord, one of four enigmas of the Pentagram, and a Primeval God of Imperial Religion.


Nearly anything is known about Abyss. It is not even known if it possesses something that can be described as geography. It is only partially a location in traditional sense of the word, since it is almost totally opened for the influx of power from the Pandaemonium. Noone knows how deep it is, since not a single brave soul managed to descent into its lowest level and return to tale the tale. Many believe that it has no end, that after descending sufficiently deep one finds himself in the Pandaemonium, from where there is no retreat.   Even if it is like that, there is no discernable border between Pandaemonium and Abyss. The deeper one goes, the more twisted and insane the surroundings become, as there is less and less normalcy. It is equally true when it comes to natives - everything, from sapient species to daemons, is twisted and insane from the surfacer's point of view. Everything here belong to the Pentagram, and because of that is activelly opposing all visitors from the outside. Only few Abyssal Knights and Chosen Ones managed to reach it and return to tell the tale.
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