Garn Garn’s Golden Era Timeline
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Garn’s Golden Era

The previous era of Garn.

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    29 /11

    4 /12

    Shevar Finishes Pyramid
    Construction beginning/end

    The great pyramid of Shevar in honor of their goddess Shivar finished construction.

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    14 /8

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    Battle of Dallah
    Military action

    The rulers of Jeliak and Keliax fought a bloody naval battle over who controlled Dallah Bay, the result was overruled by King Herestos and the rulers imprisoned.

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    16 /4

    Death of King Herestos
    Life, Death

    King Herestos died of mysterious circumstances and his 10 year old son took control of the kingdom of Garn.

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    The Great War
    Military action

    The Great War between Shevar and the collected forces of Garn.

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    The Battle of Gallah
    Military action

    Shevar attempted to march its troops through Gallah, but was stopped by Gallahian forces who held the Shevarin’s army’s advance.

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    24 /11

    Grand Library Finished
    Construction beginning/end

    The Grand Library houses the Order of Cronus, the library was built to house all of Garn’s knowledge and magical learnings.

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    21 /1

    Ziggurats Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Order of Cronus discovered two ziggurats buried beneath the sands. These ziggurats are obviously ancient. But upon their uncovering, the Order was attacked by newly awoken Yuan-ti, who now control the ziggurats.

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    The Fall
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Night Beasts have arrived, upon the wings of a great dragon did they topple and destroy most of Garn.