The Magics of Garn in Garn | World Anvil
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The Magics of Garn


Mysterious, unknown, and powerful

Magic in Garn is a rarity, so much so that most can go their whole lives without seeing any spot of magic. Those that practice magic must take care to protect themselves, otherwise the use of magic has shown to have a negative effect on the mind of the caster with a condition called Spellblight.
Magic is split into three types: Arcane, Nature, and Divine.

Arcane Magic

Arcane Magic is considered the basis of the multiverse. Its structure is such that it runs through every living being, but only some are capable of harnessing its power. Arcane Magic is also a pathway to a much darker version of Magic shunned by all.
Many who know of Magic regard the school of necromancy as a vile and forbidden type of magic.    

Nature Magic

Nature Magic is the magic of controlling and communing with nature, practitioners of Nature magic are the rarest of all as these Druids choose to live secluded lives far away from society.    

Divine Magic

Considered the most common of magic, Divine practitioners, Clerics and Paladins, are servants of the deity that they gain their power from.

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