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Gardens Of Ester: Gaia

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Hello and, Welcome to the World known as Gardens Of Ester: Gaia   In this wonderful and mysterious world, is where realties and fantasies merge together, becoming one with the universe that we all live amongst and make something never seen before. Now, let us start at the beginning, to where it all began.   The world of what we know of the planet Earth is now gone, deserted by humanity and the cause is unknown, a mystery. All that is known is that a mysterious object hit earth ending most life in the planet, and breaking apart buildings that marked the accomplishments of humanity and are now in ruins, and only the older ruins of previous human civilizations are left as a reminder. Twenty-five years ago, a group of retired astrologists spotted a very specific and odd bright spot in the mid-night sky, it was very too difficult to even spot and find, that is because blended well among the other stars that were in the sky, yet it was bright enough that it would be on par with Sirius or at least on par.   For many years, the bright object appeared every time at night and every time, it grew dimmer till it vanished from the night sky. This stayed for a period of 15 years. The vanishing light that occurred 15 years ago, was left behind, sought as something minimal and small, forgetful. Until another 10 years passed, an event occurred at 11:49 pm at night, all light sources in the entire globe, all around, there no electrical power, nothing in terms of power. It was pitch black, then we all looked upon on the glaring night, one word was all we could have in our minds, lifeless. There was no light in the night, on the itching feeling of dread. This lasted for not for one day, no this lasted for a month, no, it lasted for the duration of 4 years entirely. This was known by all as " The Forgotten Embrace".   After the 4 long years, we rejoiced when the radiant light reached our eyes, branching life to all, with all of its splendor. The vegetation, which was withered, recovered its youth and green. The population grew and prospered over the years and even continued over the centuries.   But they all forgot one small detail, a distant memory of which will haunt them to their own existence, and that was the ... " The Forgotten Embrace/Memory". Over 7 centuries has passed over, families grew, their offspring married their love and further on. About 4 months later, on the year of 7256, the sky showed its glory and splendor on its habitants, reviving our hopes and dreams, embracing their protective ward towards us. Well, we thought so till the wailing call of the "Forgotten Embrace", reappeared again, the warm light was drowned in solitude and in darkness. The gradual drowning of light vanished within the mere time of 4 hours at an accelerated pace, from the light of splendor to absolute darkness, only the unnerving, cold, endless void was present, leaving nothing to rest with its cold dark grasp. Not a silver of light can be seen, even the surrounding planets were blurred from sight, there was nothing.   However, on Thursday at 5:30 am, there were mysterious cases of people disappearing and reappearing in the lapse of 3 whole days. In every time, they reappear, there entire bodies grew darker, as if their bodies were slowly burned by smearing fire to the cold black color of the night, devoid of life. On the fourth day, the affected victims returned to a stable state, unfortunately it was declared that they are all died at 7 pm in the evening, except for one that was found at the grounds of a abandoned farm on the second floor, staring solemnly towards the opposite side of a large broken window.  

A picture was taken on site.   Through this person was no longer seemed human, this was far from one of many deaths to come. In this case, it was shown mercy, and not died in pain, well at least we hoped. After a 7-day week has passed, the person in question was relocated somewhere else for the time being. During this time, darkness still endured, furthering its reach even more. What a glooming fate fell upon on us all, may those above show mercy to us. At the end, they did not show mercy to those below, except for a few.   Many planted crops on fields died due to the lack of exposure in a day or two, domesticated animals as well began to die, slowly, and damaging on the duration of the lack of sunlight.   Under the presence of darkness, the darkening fog began to form, seeping in our once called homes out of nowhere, from the corners of our eyes, from underneath, from behind, within one's own breath.   On of those eternal nights, a sudden distant light was spotted... on the southern west coast of Yukon, Canada. This was the only as of now, the only source of exterior light was this. We did not know how far or close was it us; Did it pose a danger to us? But what did know that it was a source of light and hope for many of us.  
A photo was received from a satellite on the only source of exterior light at the moment.   All of our attention was directed to this object of light, a lost fragment of hope of which many have pushed aside, and others kept their faith alive a bit longer. But, for how long will their will and faith last? That is up to them decide, only one can choose for themselves and for others to decide.   On each passing day, the glistening point of light grew bright and full of splendor, but few noticed that something was not right...   That very light had a sinister allure to its glow, and then its own light vanished to its own weight, with an unexplainable answer and slowly hid its appearance behind the mudded shadows. Within many homes, a large number of people were " consumed" by the dense darkness, some showing signs of hysteria, madness and few were washed and eaten by the darkness that seemed to mock and laugh from our despair. And fewer were converted into what they feared the most, though this fact has not yet been proven.   Elqueeness At this time of the year of 7854, various screams were heard across several villages, and after a few days of short silence, some neighboring townsfolk were curious enough to explore the source of those screams of which were coming from just a few days ago. What they found was... in other words, it was a tragedy painted by a wicked and twisted creature. All that they could was to simply imagine what transpired there. There was dried blood shattered on the walls, the floor, the furniture was broken and sparse across the rooms of the complex. Additionally, discarded corpses were misplaced, hanged upon the hollowed mouth of the fragmented ceilings.   With their limited sources of flashlights, they explored the said complex that resembled similarly to a building that was abandoned. The 8 entered and as they went in further, all of them heard a ear-piercing scream coming from a dark pathway on the third floor of the complex.   This is where you will start in, whether you survive, or die, is in your own two hands