Wu Li Character in Garda | World Anvil
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Wu Li (Wu-Lee)

Emperor Wu Li Cai (a.k.a. Wu)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wu Li is a special breed and part of being that breed is that he's slightly stronger then most wolves.

Identifying Characteristics

Wu Li has two identifying features. 1. Him being a special breed 2. His sapphire eyes he got from his mother.

Special abilities

Wu Li has the ability to control fire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wu Li is the son of Ah Kum Cai and Bolin Cai, he has a twin sister names Li Na. When he was just a baby his both of his parents were killed and he and his sister were adopted by the chief of their tribe, Jing Dong. When he was 5 years old he and his sister met Ping, a human, and the three became close friends. Ping would teach them about humans and Wu Li and Li Na would teach Ping about wolves. When Wu Li was 18, Jing found out about Ping, captured Ping and tried to cut off Wu's and Li's tongue as punishment. Wu Li used his fire powers to defeated himself and Ping and the three ran off. Ping helped hide Li and Wu with his family but Li Na and Wu Li were captured by the emperors guards to become slaves. Wu Li and Li Na set out an escape plan with the rest of the captured wolves. One day the emperor attacked Li Na after she deafened another wolf and Wu Li attacked the emperor in order to protect his sister. The emperor was furious and sentenced Wu Li and Li Na to death. Luckily Ping and Princess Kaya came to help them and the other enslaved wolves escape. They all escaped successfully but Jing found them in the woods. They tried to convince Jing to change his ways but he refused.    Wu Li and Li Na were sick of the treatment wolves were getting, from humans and from Jing, so they started the wolf revolution and the wolf war with the help of Ping. The war lasted three years and in that time they recruited other wolves and humans who were willing to help and together they took down the evil emperor and Jing. Sadly in the war, Ping was killed by Jing and Wu Li never got over his death. Later, by Queen Gabriel they were crowned Emperor and Empress of a new kingdom and they created the war kingdom, a kingdom that stood for justice and equality. Decades later, Jing would return for revenge but would end up with nothing but  an arrow in his chest.   During their rule, Wu would meet Bao who would become their ambassador and future best friend. Later he met and fell in love with a women named Oriana but since she wasn't a wolf Oriana's father and Li Na weren't too pleased with the relationship. When the war started Wu Li and Li Na protected their kingdom as much as they could. Wu Li ended up dying due to overpowering but he was recanted into Johnathan and Johnathan is on a journey to discover his past and defeat Daria.


Wu Li is bisexual


Wu Li didn't officially go to school but he did follow Ping to school and learnt from there, he also had Ping teach him some stuff. Wu loves to learn, especially art and music.


Wu Li is the Emperor so I guess that's work?

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Winning the war
  • Creating a kingdom
  • Avenging his parents 

Failures & Embarrassments

Failures (or what he sees as failures)
  • Ping dying 
  • Letting Jing get away

Mental Trauma

Wu Li suffers from PTSD due to the war, he suffers from the guilt that he could've saved Ping. He sometimes has nightmares about the war and the night Ping died.

Intellectual Characteristics

Wu Li has shown to be quite intelligent although he's not as smart as his sister or as intelligent as he could be if he managed to actually attend school. He loves art, music and literature and spends his free time writing poetry or creating art and sometimes his sister joins in too.

Morality & Philosophy

Wu Li has a complicated philosophy. Lawfully, he is good, he has good moral intentions and has a very strong sense of justice. But, the actions he takes to bring justice can be considered morally dubious. He has good intensions to protect the weak and bring justice to the innocent, but he doesn't mind having to kill people in order to bring justice. He's like Kioyshi from Avatar the Last Airbender, having morally good intensions but doesn't mind doing morally bad actions in order to help.

Personality Characteristics


Wu's motivation is to protect his kingdom and his family.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Art
  • Music 
  • poetry
  • fighting
  • Tea
  • His sister's nagging
  • Jing
  • King Felix

Vices & Personality flaws

Wu Li feels like his sister is better then him and that she always has to one up him. So he tries to act like Li Na but it doesn't work, he just comes across as awkward. Another thing is that he is easily offended. He's also not the best when it comes to socializing.


Contacts & Relations

Wu Li's friends:
  1. Bao 
  2. Emperor Kenji
  3. Queen Zora
  4. Queen Matilda 
Wu Li's enemy's:
  1. Jing
  2. Shadow most  

Family Ties

The only other family Wu has is his twin sister Li Na whom he's very close to.

Social Aptitude

Wu isn't a very confidence person but his friends help him as much as they can.


Wu Li is an Emperor and he makes sure to act like one. He polite and calm and tries to set a good example to his subjects although the persona slips sometimes to show his shyness and humour.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Painting
  • Writing poetry 
  • fighting 

Wealth & Financial state

He's the Emperor so he's pretty wealthy.
Current Status
Discovering his past and defeating Daria
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
16th July AD
Date of Death
23rd March AD
766 AD/AW 898 AD/AW 132 years old
Circumstances of Death
Wu Li didn't listen to the warnings that he was overusing his magic
Place of Death
The valley of desertion
Sapphire, monolid
He's a special breed of wolf so tecinally doesn't have hair he has fur.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
He's a wolf so he has dark brown fur, face shape: round
5'11 ft
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Wu Li can speak Mandarin and English with mandarin being his first language.

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