The War Kingdom customs and traditions Ethnicity in Garda | World Anvil
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The War Kingdom customs and traditions

The War Kingdom is inspired by ancient China and their Kingdom originated in China. So a lot of their customs and their traditions are based off of ancient China.    I'm just doing this article to expand more on the War Kingdom and what life is/was like there.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Popular girl names in the War Kingdom 
  • Li Na
  • Chu
  • Yue 
  • Ju Dee 
  • Li Mei 

Masculine names

Popular boy names:
  • Li Wei
  • Bolin
  • Fa
  • Wan Zhong 
  • Hao

Unisex names

Popular unisex names:
  • Bao
  • Cheng
  • Qiu 
  • Susu  
  • Ru

Family names

Some well-known family names in the War Kingdom are:
  • Wan
  • Dou 
  • Hua 
  • Li
  • Meng


Major language groups and dialects

Most people in the War Kingdom speak Mandarin although some do know English.

Culture and cultural heritage

The War Kingdom originated form Wuhan, China and was established in 779 AD. The wolf tribes came up from everywhere but Wuhan was the main place.

Average technological level

The War Kingdom was established in 779 AD so they weren't there technology wise. After it was disbanded and it became a normal village and a tribe again they did still keep some of their traditional values and ways, even kept some of their customs, legends and houses the same but other then that they slowly evolved into the modern era. They were the only kingdom to do so.

Common Etiquette rules

When meeting someone older then them or of higher status In the War Kingdom they should bow their head down as a form of politeness and respect. As for dining, the oldest guest or member of the family will be seated facing the door as they are seen as wise and so they should be the first to know everything (such as if someone walks through the door) and the youngest will sit facing away from the door. They will sit on their knees.  When meeting someone they should do the first-palm salute. If they apologizing, showing gratitude or visiting a person home for the first time they should do the Zuo Yi salute (like the first-palm salute but lowering their head and bending down a little).

Common Dress code

Like I said before , women wore Hanfu dresses or a three piece dress of a Shanzi, Qun and a peizi, these were mostly for daily wear. Men wore long robes and a piece of causal wear called a Gaunfu.

Art & Architecture

Art: The War Kingdom is big on art, for their paintings they paint with black oil paints on silk scrolls. They focus on realism and traditional art.  Music: The War Kingdom is always big on music, they had music instruments such as the pipa the Liugin, the dizi and the hulus. They're music sound like this    Architecture: Most of their houses are made out of brick and wood, they use a lot of their natural resources they have due to living in a forest near a rural village. Their noble houses and they're imperial palace are made out of wood and stone and their palaces are painted red to show off their wealth due to red being an expensive colour there.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Every year, on the day they became free and established their kingdom, they celebrate being free. On that day they make lanterns, light fireworks and light a bonfire. On the bonfire they dance their traditional dance, make music and merry.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a new wolf is born, they put red paint on the wolf's head as a symbol of a new warrior being born and as good luck for the new born.

Funerary and Memorial customs

At funerals instead of wearing black, the wolf kingdom wears white. Females also wear pins in their hair.  Before burying the body, they wash it, sent it with flowers and dress it. When burying the body, they put the body into a wooden coffin and lay white flowers on the coffin. Once buried, they take a small tray and place candles, chopsticks and sometimes a picture of the deceased. They place the urn in the families ancestral temple or installed in the temple.

Common Myths and Legends

There are two legends that are popular and very well-known in the War Kingdom.  The legend of Wu Li and Li Na, the founders of the War Kingdom. They started the wolf revolution and is the reason the War kingdom exists.  The next legend is the legend of Wan, the first werewolf in history. It was rumoured that he could take down a entire dark spirt army but that was just a myth.

Historical figures

  • Wu Li and Li Na
The first ever rulers of the War Kingdom and the founder of the War Kingdom. They fought for equality for wolves and worked hard to make humans and wolves allies. They are the most famous people in the War Kingdom, even after it was disbanded people were still telling the story of Wu Li and Li Na. 
  • Wan
Wan was first werewolf, with the power of the moon stone, could control air, water, fire and could do telekinesis. He started the wolf tribes and he had a lot of children, so much that there are still decedents of Wan who can do magic to this day. 
  • Jing
Jing was the first red-eyed wolf, he was the parental guardian to Li Na and Wu Li after their parents died and he was an asshole. He was the leader of one of the tribes and despised humans. He supported everything Wan and Wu Li and Li Na went against and wanted to be in control at all times. He was later defeated by Wu Li and Li Na and died later on but not before creating a new tribe called red-eyed wolves. Yellow-eyed wolves and red-eyed wolves would later be deadly enemies for centuries.   




Beauty Ideals

Women: Women put on Jiuyun makeup, a type of makeup style in the tang dynasty. Jiuyun makeup was mostly red, with red blush and peach red lips and brown bushy eyebrows. They didn't add a touch of white because of they're fur or the bushy eyebrows, also because of their fur. The Women wore a three piece set of a shanzi, Qun and a peizi. Some women also wore a Hanfu.  Male: The men wore long ropes and something called a Guanfu.

Gender Ideals

Even though there are still some gender stereotypes in the War Kingdom, women are actually a lot more equal compared to some of the other kingdoms. Women can join the military, become doctors, own their own land and get divorced by their choice. This doesn't mean they're wasn't gender ideals, women weren't viewed as weaker but they were still expected to want to get married and have kids.

Relationship Ideals

In the War Kingdom, hetero and same-sex relationships were accepted. If a wolf in the War Kingdom wanted to get married to someone they would have to find a matchmaker and the matchmaker would go to the brides parents and ask the parents permission for the brides hand in marriage with the grooms parents there. If the bride accepted then the groom would send with betrothal gifts  and a betrothal letter to the bride's parents and the bride. Once the two were married, the bride would join the groom's family. In the War Kingdom, couples were expected to be forever loyal to each, that is, unless the person was the Emperor in that case the Emperor was allowed to have concubines.
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