Liu Na Character in Garda | World Anvil
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Liu Na

Empress Li Na Cai (a.k.a. Li-Li)


Li Na has a jian sword.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Li Na isn't as strong as Wu Li but she just as good at fighting as him.

Special abilities

Li Na has telekinesis.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Li Na is the daughter of Ah Kum and Boling Cai, she also has a twin brother called Wu Li. When she was a baby her parents were killed and she was adopted by the chief of the tribe, Jing Dong. When she was 5 years old she and Wu met Ping, a human and the three of them became close friends. When she was 18 Jing discovered their friendship with Ping, captured Ping and threated to cut out her and Wu Li's tongue. The three managed to escape and Li Na and Wu Li hid out with Ping and his family. Li Na and Wu Li got captured by the Emperor's guards and were made slaves for the Emperor. Li Na and Wu Li made an escape plan with the other enslaved wolves. One day Li Na spotted a child wolf about to get beaten and she rushed in to protect the child, the Emperor tried to get Li Na out of the way by attacking her and Wu Li attacked the Emperor in order to protect Li Na. The Emperor was furious and sentenced them to death and shortly after that Li Na and her brother made their escape with the other enslaved wolves with the help of Ping and the Princess. Li Na, sick of the treatment wolves were getting, started the wolf revolution with her brother. Wolves and humans came together to fight Jing and the evil Emperor. The revolution and war lasted 3 years and in the end Li Na and Wu Li successfully won the war but Ping sadly died, Li Na never got over his death.    Li Na and Wu Li were crowned the new rulers of the new war kingdom by Queen Gabriel. A few decades later Jung came back for his revenge but the only thing he got a arrow in his chest. Later on in her rule she met King Alexios , the two hated each other at first but slowly over the years fell in love with each other, much to the disapprovement of Wu Li. When the war started and Wu Li sacrificed himself, Li Na was devastated and so used all her power to kill his killer. Sadly she had overused her powers and she died, she was buried next to her brother.     1,200 years later, Li Na has been reincarnated as Ruby. Ruby is now discovering her past and training to defeat Daria.


Li Na is bisexual


Li Na couldn't actually go to school but would follow Ping to his school. Ping also taught her some stuff too. She's intelligent but not as much as she could be if she could have gotten a official education.


She's an Empress so I guess that's her work?

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Creating a kingdom
  • Winning a war
  • Becoming a war hero

Failures & Embarrassments

Her failures ( or what she see's as failures)   
  • Pings death
  • Not killing Jing

Mental Trauma

Li Na has PTSD due to the war. She sometimes has dreams about Ping and his death, Li Na refuses to talk about the war even with her brother.

Intellectual Characteristics

Li Na loves maths and science, in her free time she likes to collect crystal stones and gems and create experiments with them.

Personality Characteristics


To do her best for her kingdom and protect her kingdom.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Chemistry 
  • Fighting
  • Her sword
  • Fashion 

Virtues & Personality perks

Li Na is a loyal and caring friend and a very confident person. She'd do anything for her twin brother and cares deeply about her subjects.

Vices & Personality flaws

Li Na can be a bit of a hypocrite sometimes and too overly confident.


Contacts & Relations

Li Na's friends:
  • Queen Zora
  • Emperor Kenji
  • Emperor Wu Li
  • Queen Matilda
  • Bao
Li Na's enemies:
  • Queen Daria
  • Jing
  • (used to be) King Alexies  

Family Ties

The only other family member Li Na has left is her twin brother Wu Li.

Social Aptitude

Li Na is a very confident person, unlike her brother Wu Li. She often has to help Wu Li in social situations.

Wealth & Financial state

Well she's an Empress so she pretty wealthy.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
16th July AD
Date of Death
23rd March AD
766 AD/AW 898 AD/AW 132 years old
Place of Death
The valley of desertion
Emerald green, monoild
Medium brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
She has dark brown fur, face shape: oval
510 Ft
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Li Na can speak Mandarin and English with Mandarin being her first language.

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