Cragmaw Castle Settlement in Galilea | World Anvil
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Cragmaw Castle

The Cragmaw Tribe consists of marauding bands and rival goblinoids scattered throughout the area of the Triboar Trail and the Neverwinter Wood. However, one chieftain is recognized by all others as supreme: King Grol of Cragmaw Castle. The castle was originally made by a talented noble-wizard of old Phalorm, an ancient realm that once controlled much of the North. The stronghold consists of seven overlapping towers; however, its upper levels have long since collapsed to heaps of crumbling masonry. Only the ground floor is still sound enough to enhabit.

General Features

Ceilings: 15ft high unless otherwise noted.
Doors: Interior doors are made of wood reinforced with iron bands. The doors lack locks and keyholes, if a door is barricaded it requires a DC15 strength check to break it down.
Floors: Cracked and uneven flagstones conceal a dirt floor underneath.
Light:Small amounts of natural light filter through the arrow slits around the castle. During the day the castle has at worst dim light, at night all areas are dark.
Walls:Exterior and load bearing interior walls are 5ft thick, with 3 feet of mortared stone blocks. Interior walls are 1-foot-thick worked stone. Arrow slits in the castle walls are 10feet above the outside ground level, 4feet above the interior floor level, 8 inches wide, and 4 feet high. A creature on one side of an arrow slit gains 3/4 cover against attacks from the other side.

Castle Entrance

Read aloud,
"The castle consists of seven crumbling towers of different sizes and heights, but the upper stories are all in varying states of collapse. A short flight of steps leads up to a terrace in front of the main entryway. Past the wreckage of a pair of sundered doors lies a shodowed hall. Round towers loom over the entranceway, with dark arrowslits looking down on the terrace."

Sentries: No monsters actively dwell here but sentries from area 3 are meant to be keeping watch, they only occasionally look out the arrow slits, if players move quickly they may be able to sneak past them. They must make a Dexterity(stealth) check against the goblins perception.
If the characters are spotted, or the characters approach openly, the goblins fire from the arrow slits; yelling loudly (alerting goblins in area 4 and 6) and unable to fire at enemies at or past the broken gate.

Area 2: Trapped Hall

Read aloud,"
Doors stand closed on the north and south, with a crumbling mound of rubble partially obscuring the southern hall. To the east, a broad corridor ends in two more doors leading south and east. The corridor is cluttered with dusty rubble and fallen plaster from the partial collapse of the ceiling overhead.
Alarm from Area 3: If the goblins from area 3 raised the alarm, the goblins and hobgoblins from areas 4 and 6 run out from the north and south doors and attack the party; trying to drive them out of the castle.
Trap: The dusty plaster and rubble in front of the door leading to area 8 conceals a copper tripwire connected to linchpins hidden in the ruined ceiling. Spotting the tripwire requires a passive Percpetion score of at least 20, or a successful DC10 Perception check if characters are looking for traps. If spotted the trap is easily avoided and disarmed. Any creature that walks over or through the rubble triggers a cave-in of wooden beams and heavy stones, creatures in the area at the time of cave-in must succeed a DC10 Dex save or take 3d6 bludgeoning damage. The collapse puts monsters in areas 3,7,8, and 9 on alert.
Experience: If the party detects the trap they recieve 100xp divided evenly.

Area 3: Archer Post

Read aloud,
"This small room is littered with debris. The arrow slit opposite the door offers a line of fire over the terrace in front of the castle gates."
Fight: Two goblins occupy both sections of the outlooks, they take turns firing outside.
Experience: Each pair of goblins is equal to 100xp divided equally.

Area 4: Ruined Barracks

Read aloud,
"The southwest tower of the castle is little more than a heap of rubble. Several ragged bedrolls are scattered across the remaining floor space, and a small, twisting passage leads east through the ruins."
Fight: Three goblins bunk here. Any loud noise here attracks the goblins in area 7, one goblin comes to investigate; if it does not return or spots trouble, it sounds the alarm or the others investigate.
Experience: Divide 150xp among the characters if the party defeats these goblins.

Area 5: Storeroom

Read aloud,
"Old casks of salted meat and sacks of rotting grain fill this storage area. Among the supplies, you see a bloody suit of chain mail, a heavy crossbow, and an unsheathed longsword with the emblem of Neverwinter worked into its hilt."
Loot:The food here is not edible for humans.
One of the small casks contains an exceptional dwarven brandy, containing 20 glasses worth of alchohol. A character who drinks a glass of the brandy gains 3 hitpoints, two drinks, unless they fail a DC10 Con check (unless they are a dwarf or immune to poison) gives them disadvantage on attack and perception rolls for an hour.
Sildar's Gear: The chainmail and longsword belong to sildar.

Area 6: Hobgoblin Barracks

Read aloud,
"Four plain straw pallets and bedrolls are lined up on the floor of this barracks. Brackets on the walls hold a number of weapons: spears, swords, morningstars, and more. The north wall shows signs of damage, but the floor is swept clean of rubble."
Fight: Four hobgoblins reside here.
Treasure: Mounted on the walls are five spears, four longswords, three morningstars, two greatswords, and a fine quarterstaff. The quarterstaff is engraved with stylized feathers and worth 10gp.
Experience: Divide 400xp evenly.

Area 7: Banquet Hall

Read aloud,
'The western portion of this large hall ends in a wall of rubble, but the remainder is still intact. This must once have been the castle's banquet hall, with a soaring ceiling twenty-five feet high. Two large wooden tables with plain benches stand in the middle of the room, and a brass brazier full of flowing coals is tucked into one corner. Dirty dishes, half-full stewpots, moldy heels of bread, and gnawed bones cover the tables.'
Fight: There are 7 goblins here, one of them being Yegg who has 12 hitpoints (the Chief Cook for the Cragmaws, think Goblin Gordon Ramsey, if Yegg dies the other goblins flee to the east and the west.
Experience:400 divided evenly among the party.

Area 8: Dark Hall

Read aloud if characters have darkvision or a light source,
"This high, narrow hall looks as if it might have been part of a chapel or shrine at one time. Angelic figures are sculpted along the room's upper reaches, looking down on the floor below. To the north, heavy curtains block a matching pair of archways. Between the archways is a cracked but ornately carved stone brazier."
Grick: The grick likes to climb onto a hidden ledge in the shadows of the sanctuary. Have the characters do a perception check against the grick's stealth to see if any are surprised.
Religion Check: A DC10 Religion check reveals the identities of the former worshipped dieties: Oghma (god of knowledge), Mystra (goddes of magic), Lathander (god of dawn), and Tymora (goddess of luck), an obvious sign that the builders were human.
Treasure: Buried under the coal in the stone brazier is a golden elf statue worth 100gp. A detect magic spell reveals that the statue is imbued with divination magic; any non-evil creature grasping the statue can ask it a question and recieve a telepathic response. Each creature can get one activation for their entire life.
Experience: 450xp divided evenly if they defeat the Grick

Goblin Shrine

Read aloud,
This chamber occupies the northern tower of the castle. A stone altar stands in the middle of the room, covered with bloodstained black cloth. Golden ritual implements- a chalice, a knife, and a censer- are carefully arranged on top of the altar. Two archways to the south are covered with heavy curtains."
Fight: Lhupo, a goblin with 12 hitpoints, and two ordinary goblins that serve as acolytes occupy the room. They wear filthy robes over their leather armor. If the grick takes more than 2 rounds to kill the goblins are hiding behind the altar to surprise the party.
Treasure: The chalice, knife, and censer are human-made art objects worth 150gp, 60gp, and 120gp.
Experience: 150xp divided equally.

Area 10: Postern Gate

Read aloud,
On the south side of the old castle, an overgrown path leads to a passage that climbs up into the wall. A large iron door stands here, sheltered from direct outside attack. Arrow slits ten feet above the ground overlook the path."
Locked Door: Can be opened with thieves tools and a successful DC15 Dex check or a successful DC25 Strength check.
Arrow Slits: Characters trying to pay attention to the arrow slits can make out movement and sound of goblins arguing and clanging of dishes. If characters make too much noise (knocking down the door), the goblins look out the arrowslits.

Area 11: Ruined Tower

Alternative Northen Entrance: A character that makes a DC15 perception sees a footpath leading to the hidden entrance. Players that search for a hidden entrance make a DC10 Perception check to spot the canvas door.

Read aloud if they enter the tower through another portion of the castle,
"This tower almost completely collapsed, although the ground floor still has a little open space. Rotting crates and ancient barrels are shown that provisions were once stored here. A heavy curtain blocks a crumbling area to the south, and an intact door leads east. To the north, a short passage through the rubble ends before a screen canvas."

Area 12: Guard Barracks

East side advances: creatures here are watching from the arrow slits so any creature approaching from the highest will likely be spotted and attacked.

Read aloud,
"A stone brazier fulls of coals glows in the middle of this small barracks. Four straw pallets are lined up along the east wall. The wall to the south has collapsed, but a barred wooden door in that direction is still clear. A curtain hangs over the northen archway."

Fight: Two hobgoblins guard this room; they are smart, tough, and loyal to Grol. At the start of combat one leaves to warn King Grol and then returns after two rounds of action.
Experience: Divide 200xp equally among the characters.
Treasure: The hobgoblins have their standard weapons

Area 13: Owlbear Tower

Entry: The door is held shut with a heavy wooden bar, with a warning of danger written in goblin. If the bar is lifted the owlbear inside unleashes a roar.
Opened Door: Read aloud, "The upper floors of this tower have collapsed to create a hollow silo at least thirty feet high, and the upper reaches of the room are lost in the shadows. Dust, rubble, and broken glass cover the floor, and worktables and bookshelves lie strwen to the south. In the middle of the room is a hulking beast that looks like a mangy bear with an owls' head. It rears up and roars as it sees you."
Developments: DC20 animal handling check, lowered to 10 if the owlbear is given food. Once passed the owlbear will flee and attack any non-party member it sees.
Treasure: On the second floor of the tower there is a singular jagged ledge that holds a wooden chest; that is only seen with a DC15 perception check. The chest contains 90ep, 120gp, potion of healing, scroll of silence, and a scroll of revivify.
Experience: 700xp divided evenly if the party survives the owl bear.

Area 14: King's Quarters

Easedrop: Any character that listens to the door can hear two voices in a heated discussion. One in a loud and growling voice demanding payment and the other has a smooth and slow reply.

Read aloud,
"This chamber has been set up as a crude living space, with thick furs thrown on the floor to serve as carpets, old trophies hanging on the walls, a large bed to the north, and a brazier of coals burning brightly. A round table with several chairs stands to the south near the door. Near the table, on the floor, is an unconscious dwarf who looks badly beaten."
Fight: King Grol, a fierce old bugbear with 45 hitpoints, he has stooped shoulders and a hunched back. Snarl, a wolf with 18 hit points, is his pet. A female drow (doppleganger named Vyerith). If they were prewarned of an attack, the female drow is hidden behind the door and Grol holds Gundren hostage and threatens to kill him if the players do not back off. Developments:If Grol is killed first, the female drow attempts to kill Gundren and then flee with the map via area 11. If cornered, they fight to the death instead of being captured. If Gunden is revived, he thanks the party for saving him but won't leave without his map; he does not know where it is hidde.
Treasure: Hidden under Grol's mattress is a stitched leather sack containing 220sp, 170ep, three potions of healing, and Gundren's map to Wave Echo Cave.
Experience: Divide 950 if the party defeats Grol, Snarl, and the doppleganger, add an additional 200xp if Gundren is revived and escorted to Phandlin.

Optional: Returning War Band

Conflict: Consists of three hobgoblins lead by Targor Bloodsword (20hp), they are accompanied by two pet wolves. They wolves pull a small wagon they sit on carrying elf heads.
Reason: DC15 persuassion check if the players develop a reasonable excuse for Targor to avoid a fight.
Experience: Divide 500xp equally if they overcome this encounter.
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