G&B - Main Character 1 - Kevin Breifeild Character in Galesa | World Anvil
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G&B - Main Character 1 - Kevin Breifeild

Kevin Breifeild (a.k.a. Gears, Fire Boy)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

An unhealthily scrawny kid with sharp features and an even sharper wit.

Body Features

Pale skin, endless freckles, you could every spinal knob and rib.

Facial Features

He has sharp features, high cheekbones paired with an angular face.

Identifying Characteristics

The child has freckles everywhere. With those he has scattering of small injuries on his hands and forearms from technical experiments that blew up in his face.

Physical quirks

He's appredexturous, but right hand dominate. He keeps a naturally fast pace with his head dipped in thought. This reflects his commonly slouched figure, making him seem even shorter than he really is. Kevin also has a tendency to fiddle with things, a habit that only gets worse when nervous.

Apparel & Accessories

The kid normally dresses in slacks, a button-down, vest and heavy work boot. All are generally generic, coarse clothing, except the vest he wears when dressing smartly.   When in the workshop he dawns a pair of worn leather overalls over his shirt and slacks. His thick boots are always on him, with thick soles and steal tips.   He never leaves anywhere without his messenger bag, a dusty old thing filled with journals and stray parts and half written on papers. Some of his animatrons will occasionally slip in and hitch a ride to anywhere, some are there because he sliped them in to work on and may have forgotten.   Around his neck he wears a charm of silver-veined amber, on a string of coarse horsehair.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



A very confused kiddo, with very confused emotions, the term Panromantic Asexual seems closest though.


Outside of Primary Education, he has learned (on his own) theoretical - specifically cyboric - mechanics.   He has sought out an apprenticeship in the Capital under M. Copperfeild, a renounced Toymeiser and mechanic, to continue academic pursuits.


Primarily works in the metal-smith field, as both an unlicensed and an apprenticed smith.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Many of them personal, as a child Kevin was fascinated by gears and mechanics, to where he would dissect, break, and then rebuild toys, dolls, and even engines. These acts were the reason why everyone calls him 'Gears'.   He has personally and privately explored theoretical mechanics, and anio-mecha development. He has personally developed prototypes of animal such as spiders, felines, canines, and fish with the capability to think and act upon personal needs.

Failures & Embarrassments

The road to making mecha of such an advanced level is complicated, even more so for a child with limited resources. Set backs were commonplace, but rarely phased him.   After his bought with the Black Tears and the lost of his parents and sister, he fell into a cycle of self-doubt and paranoia, routinely locking himself in his workroom to do who knows what. Due to this, he became ostrichsized from many social circles in his hometown, many outright fearing him due to superstations surrounding the Black Tears.

Mental Trauma

Nightmares are a common occurrence for him, a left over of the feverous hallucinations from the Black Tears Plague. His physiological stability has been weak sense the Plague, and social connections near non-existence due to haunting paranoia.

Intellectual Characteristics

Genius with mechanics and gears, confused about everything else. He's pretty culturally and socially aware yet socially awkward in formal settings.   He's also quite forgetful if it's not in the forefront of his mind, and he has no note for it, he will probably forget to do it. He can recall the most complicated of blueprints at a moments notice and find the smallest mistake in your paperwork, you nincompoop.

Personality Characteristics


He wishes to become a profound coppersmith, and hopefully gain patents for inventions that would help the empires.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely adept at dealing with people's bull, he also profound with tech and gears and whatnot.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves dancing, surprisingly, and is pretty good at it. Doesn't really like doing it with people, though, or at parties.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ambidextious, but right-hand dominate. He can read pretty fast and has a high comprehension level. He also is quite perceptive, and is pretty good at makeup.

Vices & Personality flaws

Paranoia is still rampart, but it has been toned down quite a bit from its earlier days. This effects his decision making process, and is thus slow to friendships.

Personality Quirks

Tie his hands behind his back and he can't speak. He gestures and points a lot when he speaks.


Rarely completely clean. His hands, face, and forearms are commonly covered in oil and grease, and his hair a knotted, crazy mess.


Contacts & Relations

Seeks an apprenticeship under M. Copperfeild, worked as an unlicensed metalsmith - specialized in copper and gold - prior.   has his eye on the boy from the apothecary hmmmmm

Family Ties

His father, Edmon Breifeild, was a metalsmith. DECEASED   His mother, Helen Durst-Breifeild, was a bartend. DECEASED   His older brother, Liam Breifeild, was a metalsmith who specialized in steal and iron. WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN, PRESUMED DEAD   His older sister, Eli Breifeild, was apprentanced to become a scholar. DECEASED   Other family: UNKNOWN

Religious Views

Not extremely, just passing observances of the Alic faith in day to day matters.

Social Aptitude

He's an introvert through and through. He has little self-confidence, any compliments he directs towards someone else most of the time. He holds high etiquette in soical situtations, if absentmindly.


When he is not speaking, his hands are either folded behind his back or in pockets. His head is also tilted to one side, if not by a large margin. Kevin has a tendency to keep a soulder-width stance, for stability mainly.

Hobbies & Pets

Not necessarily 'pets', but some of his animatrons have become close companions of his.   As for hobbies, he does little else outside of fiddling with machines. Fiddling with instruments, with chemical compounds, and reading generally take up whatever free time he has leftover. He's never been the most socialable of people, so going out for him is rare.


Has a habit of mustering insults under his breath when people; wont shut up, interrupt people, are too loud, or are just annoying to him.   He has a distinct Western dialect when speaking Common, and an obvious accent when speaking Hallistic.   The child has a tendency to hid insults in compliments, so be weary when speaking to him. He also uses quite a few Western-spesific medifors and swears, so be warned.
Year of Birth
1192 NAW / ED 15 Years old
Carson City, Coloicate Territory, Western Redragian Empire
Current Residence
Traveling to Dragcovii
Golden, round
Shaggy rusty hair
4' 10"
90 Ibs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Well, never know til it happens."   *Explosion*   "Well. That wasn't supposed to happen."
Known Languages
Basic Understanding
Knows Key Phrases

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