Halfling Species in Galdera | World Anvil
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Halflings originated in the northern taiga region of Eryne now known as the Devil's Blood Wastes, but have split into two distinct lineages in more recent years.
  The first are the nimble-foot halflings which are known for their large appetites, love of comforts, and generally possessing a calm and friendly demeanor. Nimble-foots fled their original lands after the cataclysm that turned their homeland into a dry wasteland of cracked earth and black trees.
  The second lineage are called waifs. They are a withered and hostile group of halflings that chose to stay in their blighted homeland despite its new dangers. They cling to life among the caves of the region that guard them from the harsher aspects of the waste. They are deeply xenophobic and wish to push all others out of their lands. Especially the residents of Mythmond.

Physiology & Appearance

Halflings are a small and nimble species with a knack for going unnoticed and staying hidden. Halflings have thick manes of hair on the heads and sideburns, and tufts of hair on the back of their hands and tops of their feet - usually white, grey, red or tan in color. Their eyes have slit pupils reminiscent of a cat's allowing them to see clearly in dim light. The soles of their feet are calloused and hard allowing them to walk over rough terrain without shoes.
Halfing Male
Halfling Female
100 years
Average Height
3'0'' - 3'5''
Average Weight
80 - 90lbs

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