Dharklin Mining Colony Settlement in Galatia | World Anvil
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Dharklin Mining Colony

A mountainous region towards the southeast region of Renasuri, it was home primarily to the dwarves who had come to the Surface after the revival of Cordelia Lifesong.  

Historical Relevance

  The Dharklin Mining Colony is famous for being the beginning of the tale of the Four Cardinal Heroes. Between that and the Grimview Fortress, three of the four Cardinal Heroes - Alassar Anasazi, Atrus Palindrome, and Roscoe Everbro - joined forces and saved Skyworld from tyrannical reign of the Harbingers and the machinations of Cerex.    

Modern Relevance

  Having grown extensively during the last two decades, the colony is still primarily Dwarven, a fact that heavily influences the cultural, industrial, and political aspects of the town. They produce most of the worked metal tools and weapons for the Scyth Republic, and require a sizeable amount of food to be imported. Politically speaking, they don't have much influence in the Republic and, despite being a heavily militaristic-inspired culture, have expressed little interest in open conflict with other nations. Their attentions are focused on digging ever deeper and finding what lies beneath the mountainous fortress they call home.



The local government is largely based on a corporation-like framework. A strict set of rules and social expectations are managed by a hierarchical chain of command as follows:
  • Supervisor
  • District Managers (20)
  • Foremen (137)
The Supervisor also acts as the Mayor from the view of the central government in Crestmont. The District Managers oversee anywhere between 5 - 12 Foremen each, who generally have between 40 - 50 workers under them. The District Managers also act as the judicial body of government, charged with holding various courts for any and all complaints and disputes that arise in the colony.

Industry & Trade

The colony produces the vast majority of steel and iron-forged implements for the Republic, including tools for farming, mining, household use, and warfare. They also mine coal, limestone, and other minerals for use in new technical fields.  There's also the occasional hunt for precious metals and gemstones, although these have been rare finds rather than a focused industry.   The colony is almost entirely dependent on imports for food, as growing things in the surrounding area is next to impossible due to harsh weather and residual damage from the presence of the Broken Dreams.


Technology is largely mundane, with little in the way of arcane tools and equipment.  However, the reliability of the colony's infrastructure is unsurpassed by any other town or city in the Republic.  Dwarven engineering may be "primitive" in terms of magical enhancement, but it is ruthlessly effective and durable in its own way.   Lifts and elevators make up the vast majority of technical apparatuses in the colony.  Nearer the top, there's also an impressive array of forges.  Recent shifts in the world have given a new interest to smithy work, now that raw metals are easier to come by once again.


The colony is roughly segmented into three regions - Rock Bottom, Midway, and Outside.   Rock Bottom is the lowest series of buildings carved into the mountain.  It is reserved largely for District Managers and their families.  The Supervisor also lives here.  Individuals of significant wealth or position outside the dwarven culture may also take up residence here, though some of them find it unsettling being so deep underground.  All of the goods that are imported/exported into the colony are stored here.  Finally, this area of the mountain houses the local Palindrome.   Midway covers the largest area of the mountain, encompassing most of the dwellings adjacent to the Big Bore (see Geography).  The dwarves not living in Rock Bottom all reside here.  This is also where the majority of shops and taverns are located.   Outside is the uppermost region of the mountain, as well as anything exposed to the open sky. The dregs of society dwell here, although there are one or two wealthy individuals who have chosen to live in the area out of a dislike for the cramped spaces within the mountain.  A lot of the buildings were abandoned or dismantled during the last twenty-five years, so the region resembles a ghost town most of the time.

Guilds and Factions

The Mining Guild functions as both a mining management organization and as the de-facto government of the colony, employing almost 90% of the working population. The only other guilds of note are the Artificers Association and the Forge Meister Smiths.


The Dharklin Mining Colony was officially founded by the Harbingers in 298 BCR.  As the town expanded and mining operations became extensive, it was discovered that the mountain had been a massive dwarven fortress an indeterminate number of centuries before.  Little could be determined about this lost legacy, aside from the fact that they likely possessed technology and arcane knowledge that far surpassed that of the current inhabitants.


The vast majority of the settlement is chiseled or magically-shaped stonework (for the wealthy). There are a series of wooden/stone buildings near the top of the mountain, built during the Era of Exile. They're largely abandoned now, as most of the dwarves favor homes deep within the mountain, but the other races have taken up residence, particularly those who are taller than four feet and/or suffer from claustrophobia.


Broadly speaking, the Dharklin Mining Colony is a series of dwellings built around a massive vertical tunnel that traverses almost the entire height of the mountain.  It is colloquially referred to as, "the Big Bore."  The bottom of this shaft is a huge circular plaza where members of the town will gather for various major events or announcements.

Natural Resources

These include mainly:  
  • Iron
  • Coal
Founding Date
298 BCR
Location under
Owning Organization
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