Vaen Species in Gaius | World Anvil
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Also known as Elves or Faeries, the Vaen are an immortal race no longer capable of reproducing. As their numbers dwindle, they live out their days apart from humanity, retreating to the safety of their reservations, waiting either for the day when their last member dies or when the secret of their birth is rediscovered.

Basic Information


Generally human-like, though far taller and with more poise.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vaen are produced by injecting a suitable candidate with the Human Enhancement Virus. After a month long metamorphosis period, successful candidates emerge from their chrysalises as Vaen. Failed candidates emerge as a puddle of slime.

Growth Rate & Stages

Other than the one month metamorphosis, there is no growth involved in an Vaen's life

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Vaen are generally very intelligent. This is also due to the selection process.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Similar to those of humans

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The Human Enhancement Virus is in essence a viral colonization. However, due to its synthetic and highly-modified nature, its effects are largely beneficial.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Aeternens
Conservation Status
Endangered. Owing to the Vaen's unique method of reproduction, they can no longer be born in the modern age. This has led to their continued decline in population. Vaenar land is protected as a result.
Average Height
On average slightly taller than humanity. This is due primarily to the selection process by which Vaen candidates are chosen.
Average Physique
The Human Enhancement Virus affects the musculature and vasculature of the Vaen, making them faster and stronger than the average human. It is not uncommon for a Vaen to have the strength of several men.

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