Werebeasts in Gaia: Echoes of the Divine | World Anvil
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The Werebeast Volk are a race of humanoid animals that are comprised of different types of animals, including Ursidae, Procyonidae, Felidae, and Canidae. They are genetically closely related to the Hoshin race, which is also located south of their country.   The Werebeast Volk are known for their good relations with the humans in the north, and are allies with the Thunderstorm Empire. In fact, the empire has saved their "fluffy asses" on multiple occasions in the past. However, they have a strained relationship with the Trolls in the east.   The Werebeast Volk are slightly smaller than humans, but have some animal-like features, such as ears, noses, claws, paws, and tails. Despite their smaller size, they are known for their love of battle and are always in a good mood, except when someone has died. They are often underestimated due to their cute appearance, but are not to be underestimated in combat.   Their capital city, Cutting Fangs, is located in the center of their territory, and their cities are known for their interesting names, such as Flufflefarm, Whitefell Farm, Small Paws, Big Paws, and Glowingeye City. The Werebeast Volk are led by their Queen, (insert name here), and have a monarchy-based political structure.   Before the great cataclysm, the Werebeast Volk had a powerful navy that they used to fight against the Necros. However, their naval capabilities have diminished over the years, and they now rely on their intelligence and quick thinking to reclaim territory that was lost to the Khanate of Hellfire Trolls in the east.   The Werebeast Volk value community and togetherness, and do not like to be alone. They are a formidable force, and despite the challenges they face, they continue to thrive and prosper.

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