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11th of Aprilis, 1500 AOW

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An alternate earth world with the purpose of housing survivors of destroyed worlds; it also serves as a dimensional hub, promoting business and diplomacy between alternate realities. It is known for its native people's innate kindness towards others.   With rich flora and fauna, Gaïa always has a new thing going on. Practitioners of several magic schools and brave mercenaries thrive in its lands.   Gaïa's protectors are the Holy Dragon and a second moon, whose powers were sealed, forcing it to dwell in human form.   Although Gaïa is a sleepy world of sorts, there are times that creatures of other dimensions wreak havoc at its towns and ecosystems; so the main capitals established a system of guilds so adventurers can dispatch threats swiftly. However, this defense mechanism cannot handle attacks from divine origins. Only those favored by the Holy Dragon can stand a chance against such sieges.

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