Dragon Species in Gaïa | World Anvil
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Reptilian shape-shifters with extraordinary endurance.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Dragons possess an extraordinary physique, allowing them to lift boulders larger than themselves with relative ease.   Those who communed with the flames were granted rock-solid defense, with horns and barbs protruding from their heads and rough scales surrounding their limbs, webbed wings, and tails. Their skin temperature is similar to heated metal, as several acts of affection with unaware humans ended with 1st or 2nd-degree burns on contact.   Those who found solace and refuge in the vast seas exchanged their wings for dorsal fins, granting them exceptional speed when swimming. These sea dragons developed coral-like horns that serve as camouflage in the colorful reefs. Some dragons possess fishtails and are confused for mermaids; others have webbed feet to keep their grip on rocky surfaces. These dragons are far more approachable than their fiery brethren; however, they cannot breathe air like the rest of their kin since gills replaced their lungs; hence, their permanent inability to conceal their appearance.

Dietary Needs and Habits

All dragons have a strict carnivore diet, hence, their sharp teeth and claws. Fruits and vegetables only serve them as palate cleansers, except for Dragonfruit, this fruit makes them more approachable to humans as it lowers some of their defensive traits to a tolerable degree (lower skin temperature, temporal air-breathing abilities, etc.). Their stomachs, livers, and kidneys resist foods and drinks that prove fatal or crippling to humans.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Dragons are sapient species, so hunting them down is considered illegal; however, dragon tears possess the ability of healing humans from many kinds of poisons.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Some dragonfolk can keep their form hidden through emotional control, but their long, pointy ears always reveal their appearance. Dragonfolk elders have an innate commitment to training their younglings to manage their emotions, so they don't end up razing fields or villages out of excitement.

Civilization and Culture


Long before Gaïa's creation, these creatures didn't have these reptilian traits. They were known as angels; similar to ancient Christian representations of the Old World's churches.   When humans began to populate and distribute in the world, the angels changed their ethereal appearances so they can be more akin to Gaïan humanity.   They settled to the place closest to the sky, as angels feel closer to the Holy Dragon when they are on great heights; hence, the name Angel's Peak.   When humans reached Rubena Island, they passed on their wisdom and preached about the Holy Dragon's benevolence and might; as they did, their teachings began to spread throughout the world.   Years later, dragons, with the combined forces of humans, and shape-shifters, built a kingdom with advanced technology, and a resting place for the Holy Dragon's occasional visits; it also serves the function of a cathedral.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Aprox. 500 years.
Average Height
1.85 - 2.7 meters.
Average Physique
  • More developed muscles
  • Higher stamina
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