Shiganosuke Akashi Character in Gaia | World Anvil
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Shiganosuke Akashi

A student at Halcyon Academy class 1-3 .
Akashi is a fighter-grappler specialist who relies on his wits, experience, and resilience to get him through obstacles. Surprisingly tactful and intelligent, Akashi values people and their intricacies. He likes company, friends, and conversation. Places high value on the individual skills of everyone, and believes one's uniqueness is of paramount importance, therefore, he enjoys when people showcase their skills and interests. His scars, however, betray his amicable persona, and show his hard to match experience for his age.  He is friends with Makoto Cloudberry , the outward, and impulsive , self proclaimed "Fist Mage".
Art is used as likeness/reference for the character for private OpenLegend RP sessions. The design remains owned by the original artist.

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