Halfling(Hobbits) Species in Gabrindel | World Anvil
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Written by emps42

Halflings or hobbit, also known as Hin amongst themselves or the "good folk" amongst other races,or the "quick folk" and "sly folk" were humanoid creatures similar in shape to humans, who halflings called the "Big Folk",but around half their size. Halflings got along well with most of the other races and were known for their curiosity and tendency to collect things. The term "halfling" was derived from the fact that a halfling was around half of the size of a human, but otherwise very similar in appearance.Most Halflings enjoyed farming, food, ales, parties and the giving and receiving of presents. They were usually friendly and happy-go-lucky, although they were often away from "big folk". Halflings preferred a quiet, normal life. very insular and suspicious of other people from other places and anything that disturbs the peace. Halflings refer to people not from the community as Outsiders, being a very broad term, were simply those foreign to any region.Optimistic and cheerful by nature, blessed with uncanny luck, and driven by a powerful wanderlust, halflings make up for their short stature with an abundance of bravado and curiosity. At once excitable and easy-going, halflings like to keep an even temper and a steady eye on opportunity, and are not as prone to violent or emotional outbursts as some of the more volatile races. Even in the jaws of catastrophe, halflings almost never lose their sense of humor. Their ability to find humor in the absurd, no matter how dire the situation, often allows halflings to distance themselves ever so slightly from the dangers that surround them. This sense of detachment can also help shield them from terrors that might immobilize their allies. Halflings are inveterate opportunists. They firmly believe they can turn any situation to their advantage. Often unable to physically defend themselves from the rigors of the world, they know when to bend with the wind and when to hide away. Yet halflings’ curiosity often overwhelms their good sense, leading to poor decisions and narrow escapes. While harsh experience sometimes teaches halflings a measure of caution, it rarely makes them completely lose faith in their luck or stop believing that the universe, in some strange way, exists for their entertainment and would never really allow them to come to harm. Though their curiosity drives them to seek out new places and experiences, halflings possess a strong sense of hearth and home, often spending above their means to enhance the comforts of domestic life. Without a doubt, halflings enjoy luxury and comfort, but they have equally strong reasons to make their homes a showcase. Halflings consider this urge to devote time, money, and energy toward improving their dwellings a sign of both respect for neighbors and affection for their loved ones. Whether for their own blood kin, cherished friends, or honored guests, halflings make their homes beautiful in order to express their feelings toward those they welcome inside. Even traveling halflings typically decorate their wagons or carry a few cherished keepsakes to adorn their campsites. Rather than place their faith in empires or great causes, many halflings prefer to focus on the simpler and humbler virtues of their families and local communities. Halflings claim no cultural homeland and control no settlements larger than rural assemblies of free towns. uncommonly, they dwell at the knees of their human cousins in human cities, eking out livings as they can from the scraps of larger societies. Many halflings lead perfectly fulfilling lives in the shadow of their larger neighbors, a wild few prefer more nomadic lives, traveling the world and experiencing all it has to offer.

Basic Information


they become adults in their early 20's and can live to be 150 years old Halflings rise to a humble height of 3 feet. They prefer to walk barefoot, leading the bottoms of their feet to become roughly calloused. Tufts of thick, curly hair warm the tops of their broad, tanned feet. Their skin tends toward a rich cinnamon color and their hair toward light shades of brown. A halfling’s ears are pointed, but proportionately not much larger than those of a human.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Male 2 ft. 10 in. – 3 ft. 4 in. and weighed 32 – 38 lbs. Female 2 ft. 8 in. – 3 ft. 2 in. and weighed 27 – 33 lbs halflings were skilled listeners and had good eyesight. Although they were inclined to be fat and did not hurry unnecessarily, they were also nimble and deft in their movements

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