Misdemeanor! Or Love tracks setbacks! Visell Meets Maria! Prose in FUNKO URBANE ZUMURAI | World Anvil
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Misdemeanor! Or Love tracks setbacks! Visell Meets Maria!

FOLLOWING Visell V. Delphine Epilogue.     Gasp! Visell wakes up to the burn of the sun in her eyes. She turns to the side to escape the rays only to meet the blinding white of a nurse outfit. Her eyes trail up the skinny figure beside her bed. A young nurse taking note of the readings on the W.V.S Scanner. Visell through the haze of exhaustion unconsciously fixates on how well the outfit forms to her body. Visell blushes and looks away as the nurse begins to turn around! GASP! The nurse flinches when she notices Visell's intense scowl, she straightens up and bows slightly. A cute soft german accent calls out "Oh, Good morning, Lady Aloso!" Visell blushes more, "Uh . . . Hey." The soft voice continues nervously, "My name is Maria, Maria Muchaven, I'm a Resident Gizo-Specialist Nurse under your regular physician, Senior Dr. Nolgi Ngyeun. Per her request I'll be taking care of you for the remainder of your stay, It is an honor to be in the presents of the daughter of one of the Cradle of Humanity's lead directors! Visell blushes more and her eye looks away with a light pout "Hey, no need for the special treatment and accolades, I'm not exactly in the coolest position right now . . ." drawing attention to the handcuffs, shaking them gingerly. "besides, I'm not as shiny as my Mom."   "Oh, My apologies! I didn't mean to seem so sycophantic!" Maria blushes and clasps her hands together by her side in embarrassment, fidgeting her hips looking like a little girl in trouble. Visell becomes flush as the glow of her docile nurse calls her gaze. How the sunlight through the window shines on her silky smooth, vanilla skin, her amber blonde hair, and that dark rouge on her lips, the way her nurse gown hugs her slim curves. [And she's even a little taller than me . . . I think] "It's fine; happens all the time. Honestly glad you're here. Really don't feel like getting chewed out by Aunty." Maria Gasps and covers her mouth! Her charcoal black nails on display, "You're related to Dr. Nolgi too!? Your mother, I mean Professor Nandalls and Dr. Ngyeun look her so . . . different, she so . . . uh . . . tall and the . . ." She puts her hands on her head outlining horns. Visell snickers "Nah . . . not by blood or marriage but they're both were lead members in the Pandora project. *Snickers* and yeah mom's a giant superwoman! Plus . . . don't tell anyone, but they screw all the freaking time! They're always claiming they're "brainstorming" or "Reviewing schematics" Geez. I can literally hear the bedsprings down the hall! Gross . . ."   Maria's face goes bright red and covers her mouth "Oh dear . . ." Visell blushes too and looks to the side nervously "M-My bad, TMI!" Maria put her finger on her chin. "Hmm. Though now that I think of it, you can tell. How much Dr. Nandalls gets under Nolgi's skin. Those little moments of tenderness they have, the way they look at each other . . . Visell interjects "The weird-ass way my mother teases the hell out of Nolgi till she gets all huffy and puffy then gets played like a fiddle into doing whatever!" Maria "Oh, Yes!" They both laugh for a second. "So as I mentioned, I was instructed to remove your bandages. May . . . I start with your abdomen."   Visell blushes and looks away. "Y . . .yeah go-ahead." Maria leans over and she places her hand on Visell's predominant abs her fingers gingerly slip through the muscles, she places her other hand on of the patches on her gut. Visell makes a little grunt as her cold hands trail past her rigid abs her brow flinches. "Are you okay, Lady Aloso?" Visell replies nervously "Mm, yeah I'm all good just, be a little gentle with me, okay? MM!" She blushes as she realizes what she insinuated. Maria *giggles* "Don't worry, Lady Aloso, I have magic hands, Dr. Nolgi says."   She smiles at Visell with a warm glow on her cheeks. [She's so. freaking. pretty! What kind of God did I piss off to end up getting bagged by the Dot's, beaten by Momma then get touched all over by a freaking angel! The fuck is my life right now!?] Maria Blushes while peeling off the first bandage enthralled by Visell's physique. The ridges and valleys of her burgeoning ab muscles "Hey, Mary . . ." Maria looks up "Hm? Yes, Lady Aloso" Visell looks off to the side with a reddened face. The memory of Dedestra flashes past her mind as she saviors Maria's touch. "Call me Vis . . . Symown. Call me, Symown. and that's an order from the daughter of Naomi Nandalls . . . okay?" she smirks. Maria smiles and shines with enthusiasm "Aye, Aye Sir! I mean Symown!" She punctuates with salute! Visells heart flutters and she looks off again and says nervously "No, no you can call me sir, too! It's all good." [God that was so freaking cute!] Maria *giggles* and says salaciously "Yes, sir." Visell closes her eye tightly in embarrassment. Maria starts undressing Visell's wounds. Her hands trailing around Visell's body, her patient saviors every movement, of her soft, warm tender hands trailing around her scarred flesh. "You've healed up quite nicely, but that's Junko-wa Physiology at its finest!" Visell in an attempt to stamp out the intimacy of the situation asserts "Your, uh, pretty damn good to this, nurse stuff. How long have you been doing this again?" Maria still attending to her bandages sneaking glances. "This is my first year in an actual hospital, so I'm in residency.     I'm quite lucky actually I graduated medical school on a technicality before the . . . what do you call it? The . . . Priva-pocalypse, and thank heavens! I don't know if I could have taken the cost! Visell scoffs "Yeah it sucks! My ex- I mean my friend was knee-deep in loans after 2 years . . ." Maria sighs "That's terrible! how is she doing!?" Visell looks off to the side out the window "I wouldn't know. . ." "I see. . . and this is an ex is . . . you said?" Maria sweetly pries. "*grunt* N . . . not really . . . Well, yeah we kind of had a thing . . . but some shit went down and I wanted to . . . she . . . left . . . not like breaking up, well kind of . . . I came to visit one day and . . . she was gone. The only freaking thing left of her was her mo-ped and a note! I rode all around Shintown looking for her, I freaking cried for days!!! And then she has the fucking gumption to call from a dark number talking some bullcrap about 'Don't hate me, I had to do it, you deserve better, If you love me don't look for me!'" Her fist clutch tightly, she raises her voice as the heart monitor's beep gets faster and faster.   "And all I wanted to know is if she'd be back. And all she said was, 'I'll be in touch'(!!!) What kind of fucking shit is that!? And of course like a freaking moron, every time she calls. I don't raise hell, I don't tell her to Fuck OFF!" Tears start running down her face, The heart monitor beeps with blinding speed. "I don't tell her to just want to move on from her because I think there's a possibility that she still . . . even after I . . . I!" A gentle, wet sensation on her upper chest stops her rampage! GASP! Her eyes drop down to see Maria's head hovering under her chin, perched above her bosom, the cooling sensation of her lip on her sweaty chest. Visells breathing relaxes as she looks down befuddled.   She blushes profusely, with trembling, nervous, defiance. "Geez, what the . . . heck are you doing, is this really a nurse thing(!?)" Maria retracts blushing to pull a strand of hair back behind her ears. "Ahem! Apologies, sir! You seem so troubled, I was worried! There are many things we can fix here, but a broken heart . . . So I tried It's something my mom always did it to me when I was sad . . . think of it as alternative medicine." Visell looks off to the side, blushes, and smiles with a snicker, "Geez, pretty and funny huh? Thanks. . . Mary." Maria smiles and puts her hand on Visell's "You're quite welcome, but the pleasure is mine, I saw your clothes as I walked in and I noticed the "Axis: Bold as Love" embroidery on your shirt! I love Jimi Hendrix! It's so rare to meet fellow psych-rock heads here and then when I found out how cute you looked when you're sleeping, with that glare and being the daughter of one of my idles(!) Ahem . . ." Visell looks intensely at Maria and leans up, slouching over, she turns her head and blurts "Axis or Electric Ladyland?" Maria Gasp! "Sir, you can't honestly make me choose between the two! They're so perfect in different ways!!   Ladyland is his last album with some of the most gorgeous soundscapes but . . ."   Visell interjects "Axis has all the classics!" They both laugh and Maria covering her mouth in that ladylike manner. Visell looks deep into her eyes and gets lost for a second. "Yess, Sir?" Maria says salaciously. Visell snaps back "Sorry, it's just uh . . . how old are you?" "22 and your 19 correct?" "Yeah." Maria Gasps! "You're a little baby! awww! Visell scoffs "Whatever, Bakuna!" [Dummy? I've only ever called . . . what's happening here? I just killed one psycho cunt and now I'm falling for a nurse.] "*GASP, sir! Don't call me a dummy that's rude! and to think I found my favorite patient!" Maria sarcastically winces, crossing her arms with a smiling pout. Visell smirks apprehensively. "My bad . . . It's . . . a habit." Maria looks away from Visell and pouts "Hm! Well, what will you do to make it up to me, chained up and all? Visell looks down for a second, contemplates with a serious expression "Uh . . .well." Maria Looks back tentatively and chuckles. "Oh, Symown! I was just kidding you don't-" Visell intercepts   "Give me your number! I can make it up to you . . . somehow! So, I'll need to be able to get in contact with you. I mean I don't know what's going to happen to me after my sentencing but If I can to talk to someone as . . . warm as you and all might not be so bad, you know" Visell looking away to the side blushing nervously. "I mean! You don't have to . . . I know a freaking prisoner asking for your number is-"   "Hold still," Maria says in a hushed whisper. Visell feels slight pressure as Maria writes on a band of gauze around her forearm, with a blushing smile. She finishes and kisses the band leaving a rouge lipstick. Visell blush intensifies! "There we go! That's so you'll remember it!" She Winks "Hm, but it's a secret so where should we hide it?" She cuts a section of the band off her arm. " where should we put it through, hm" Visell nervously adds "Um, tie it around my earring, I don't really take them off or do anything with my hair. GASP! *Blush*And that makes me sound like I'm a fucking N.E.E.T that doesn't wash . . . Geez." Maria gingerly and lovely brushes her hair to the side. "Shhh, Let your nurse handle it." Laying the hair behind her shoulder, exposing her four earrings, she starts to tie the gauze around her hair tie into a neat little bow. Visell gazes solemnly into Maria's emerald eyes, as the sun adorns her golden hair, her face gets redder and redder as her eyes trace the little details of her pale face. Her bright cheeks, those warm inviting eyes, her gentle touch, her curvy thin lips that pressed on her. Visells eyes transfix on the contours, and wrinkles of her lips, savoring every mode of her warm smile as it gets closer, and closer, and closer, and closer. "You're so, jumpy and jittery, and it is cute but I can't help but feel like doting you when you like this, I guess that how a nurse should be." GASP! Visell pulls herself back, she goes bright red! "G-Geez, Sorry!" Maria gasp. "My, my you're so shy! Just relax!"   With a tightening pull "Ta-da!" She strokes Visell's hair back into place and blushes "I may just be saying this because my hair is so boyish but you have a lovely grade of hair, so *giggle* twisty!" Visell looks over for a second "Thanks! but your hair's super cute, too. It has a glow to it, makes you look . . . angelic, I guess."   Maria scoff gently "Your too kind! How can they lock up someone so charming! Unless they did it so you wouldn't steal away all the nurses from their post! *giggle* Oh! It's so soft! You must do something with it!" Visell smirks nervously, "I've been using this shampoo that smells like cinnamon lately." "Ah! So that's what that scent is." She extends a lock of hair out "may I?" Visell blushes more and looks down in embarrassment. "S-Sure . . . go ahead." Maria smiles and closes her eyes in anticipation; she leans in closer, gingerly placing the thick bundle of hair in her nose, and takes a soft gracefully inhale. "MM! The smell really suits you. It's . . . hm sweet and funny, intense and a little complex." She tilts her head a little sprouts a glowing smile. Visell's eyes light up and smirk. "Thanks . . ." Maria looks over the clock. "Oh, time flies so fast when you're having fun! It's almost my break time, you must be hungry as well . . . You just wait right here! I'll go get us some food! Oh! Yes . . . I hope you won't mind me joining you, where are my manners!" She cups her cheeks in embarrassment as she blushes. Visell looks over and smiles "Not at all, please I'd . . . love to chow down with you and all!" She blushes at the insinuation and snickers. Her little teenage heart flutters, her fist grip the sheet as the courage builds in her throat! "M-Matter of fact since we're having lunch together . . . why don't we call it a-a date? I-If that's cool with you!"   Maria goes bright red, she cups her cheeks in embarrassment, "Oh dear! You're so forward after being all nervous just now! Have a date!? With you!? right now!? At work!? Oh, what if Dr. Nolgi or your mother came in!? And saw me just being all romantic and chatting it up with you . . . Oh my . . ." Her glasses fog up and she smiles nervously smiling her hands clasped together at her waist! Visell snickers and smirks at Maria's girlish disposition. "So many little secrets we have, and we only just met!" She says softly before composing herself. "Ahem, I suppose a date would be a nice way to spend an hour break . . .*giggle*   And you all chained up so . . . so I guess ill have to feed you." Maria says tentatively. "Ahem! Excuse me! Let me go consult Dr.Nolgi about your diet. Now, don't you go running off, sir!" Maria winks while giving a two-finger salute as she dashes out the door, running in a dainty fashion." Visell smiles as she exits.   Her eyes trail down. "Geez, what a spunky little spazz." Visell looks over to the High Autumn sun, beaming through the ribbon window. A bright smile creaks against her rough glare. "She's so . . . warm(!)" GASP! The smile shrinks with realization. "Ah . . Geeez!" Visell eyes peter closed and she limply falls back on the pillow, bouncing on impact. "Don't tell me, I'm falling again! Shit. Talk about a sloppy rebound! Well . . . Not like would mind but . . . No! It's just a misdemeanor! It's gonna subside! It's no big deal! She caught me off guard with that pretty, pretty, pretty smile that is going to destroy me if I can't ever see it again!" Visell's crimson pupils into her skull as the truth sets in! "Damn it!" Visell growls and ruffles her hair in the pillow! She relaxes with a hearty sigh as her eyes glide up to meet her reflection in the clear metal ceiling. She scoffs "Like Mother like daughter, huh?" The lustrous metal spawns a distorted image of her Mother before dissipating and morphing back to her own reflection. Visell's dart to the side as the click of the door reverberates about the room.   "Whatever!" she thinks to herself, After the fucked up weekend I know two things for sure and one thing for certain: I don't know what's gonna happen after I get outta here; I kinda deserve to be pampered by a pretty Euro nurse girl, and It would really suck if this was the last time I get to see that smile . . ." Maira comes into view, smiling ear to ear with a cart full of warm food. "Theres' just something about that smile that makes me feel . . . warm, I guess. Like the sun or some Latoma poet junk like that. Like . . . I want to see it in the morning, before I sleep, throughout the day, Matter of fact. I might as well call her Morning from now on. It suits her."


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