Uengia Organization in Fuelta System | World Anvil
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Uengia (/ˌuenˈgia/)

The Grand Duchy of Uengia lies at the northern edge of the eastern continent.


The country is headed by the Grand Duchess. Uengia is further divided into five smaller territories: Two provinces, two counties, and one earldom.   The Capital Province is governed directly by the Grand Duchess. She appoints the Governor of the Froiengicia Province.   The two counties are each governed by a count or a countess, who pledges fealty to the Duchess. The same holds true for the Earl or Countess of Trerchia.

Demography and Population

Uengia has an estimated population of 1.5 million people.


The total area of the Grand Duchy of Uengia is 146,000 sq mi (380,000 km2).

Foreign Relations

Diplomacy Diagram not available

Mussa Bui Nuamengu (The Sea Never Dies)

Location of Uengia
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Grand Duchy of Uengia
Quolurti (QUO)
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: Temperate rainforest in Otway National Park (3) by Kristina D.C. Hoeppner


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